I feel the decks should be grey or maybe a more subtle texture, at least the passenger decks and the bow and stern. The smoke should just be grey/white, not a fan of the red and yellow. Don't like the life-boats either, you can do them better, they kind of mess with the scale for me.
It's really, really good though. Just missing a bit of texture and detail that could really make it great. I know you can do better!
I think G force what youre saying with all the minor complaints is ridiculous. I understand thats your opinion but this is clearly one of the best boats we've seen for a long time
Im a big fan myself, recently being in Sotckholm my self i cant wait to see this park. You should do Kolmarden, Wilfdire was awesome!!
I think G force what youre saying with all the minor complaints is ridiculous.
Why is giving someone tips for improving his work ridiculous?
The screen is amazing. The sides build completely out of monorail track could use some more textures/details, if that's even possible. And I do think the 'bulge' with the smoke duct looks kind of awkward. The shape looks somewhat weird. The front of the ship is fantastic. I would delete or move the glitching peep in the glass though.
My god this is awesome. I like RCT boats and this is one of my favorites. I honestly cannot wait for this park to come out! I wanna see more of what you've got in store for us!
I feel the decks should be grey or maybe a more subtle texture, at least the passenger decks and the bow and stern. The smoke should just be grey/white, not a fan of the red and yellow. Don't like the life-boats either, you can do them better, they kind of mess with the scale for me.
It's really, really good though. Just missing a bit of texture and detail that could really make it great. I know you can do better!
I think G force what youre saying with all the minor complaints is ridiculous. I understand thats your opinion but this is clearly one of the best boats we've seen for a long time
Im a big fan myself, recently being in Sotckholm my self i cant wait to see this park. You should do Kolmarden, Wilfdire was awesome!!
It is weird that the deck and roof are the same color. And the lifeboats are a bit shit. But everything else is amazing. Really great screen.
Why is giving someone tips for improving his work ridiculous?
The screen is amazing. The sides build completely out of monorail track could use some more textures/details, if that's even possible. And I do think the 'bulge' with the smoke duct looks kind of awkward. The shape looks somewhat weird. The front of the ship is fantastic. I would delete or move the glitching peep in the glass though.
My god this is awesome. I like RCT boats and this is one of my favorites. I honestly cannot wait for this park to come out! I wanna see more of what you've got in store for us!
Wonderful. Use dinghy's for lifeboats though, surely?!
Great. I like your clean, modern, bright style.
I agree with alex about the idea for the lifeboats.
This is wonderful.