I remember his process of making this park as we were chatting daily back then. It was one of his rare departures of his own, as said, unusual styles, trying for once to comfort more NE accepted styles. Didn't make him happy. Even back then this wasn't received as a "major" release, but I agree the seating area Liam picked out is one of the highlights. Something so simple, yet different and refreshing to see.
Since you mention Liam picking it out.. it would be cool if on occasional weeks, different members could pick the screens to show for #fbf. This way we would see some of these parks from someone else's view, not just the Liampie Lense.
The seating area caught my attention too. It's weird how Evil WME mentions this as his most refined park in the readme, when I think it's unusually unrefined and the extreme minimalism legit looks like unfinishedness in places. For example, that building there just needed a single ghost train window and the whole area would look better. Leaving out fences around the paths is just an awful decision I believe. But yeah, the seating area shines and I also adore how massive and knotted the coaster looks.
Alex, I'd like to have more user input with #fbf, hence why I asked you and G Force to supply me with some screens. But you did a poor job, both of you, I'm sorry to say Thanks for bringing it up again though, I'll do something with it.
I think rather than asking members to submit some to your bank of screenshots which you will then choose from, if you deem them worthy (which is still you curating them), you should just ask a member to send you 2 or 3 screens on a specific week and just go with whatever they send.
That's not really that practical, that will involve more planning and timing than it's worth. But when something goes into my bank, it will come out no matter what. I'll take your advice on board and come up with a system soon.
That's fair enough. I think a good idea whatever system you use is allowing the submitting member to highlight a theme or concept across 2 or 3 screens like you often do.
Big fan of these "simple" chain park concepts. This, DBW, DEO...
that seating area is so unusual but great.
unusual = WME
I remember his process of making this park as we were chatting daily back then. It was one of his rare departures of his own, as said, unusual styles, trying for once to comfort more NE accepted styles. Didn't make him happy. Even back then this wasn't received as a "major" release, but I agree the seating area Liam picked out is one of the highlights. Something so simple, yet different and refreshing to see.
Since you mention Liam picking it out.. it would be cool if on occasional weeks, different members could pick the screens to show for #fbf. This way we would see some of these parks from someone else's view, not just the Liampie Lense.
Alex, I'd like to have more user input with #fbf, hence why I asked you and G Force to supply me with some screens. But you did a poor job, both of you, I'm sorry to say
I think rather than asking members to submit some to your bank of screenshots which you will then choose from, if you deem them worthy (which is still you curating them), you should just ask a member to send you 2 or 3 screens on a specific week and just go with whatever they send.
That's fair enough. I think a good idea whatever system you use is allowing the submitting member to highlight a theme or concept across 2 or 3 screens like you often do.