Jaguar, you're finally listening to yourself and not the community. This is the most original screen since alex's. I love your flair for dark blues in this. Refreshing to see, reminiscent of pierrot's space screens. Very very well done.
Jaguar, you're finally listening to yourself and not the community. This is the most original screen since alex's. I love your flair for dark blues in this. Refreshing to see, reminiscent of pierrot's space screens. Very very well done.
Liam, screenshot of the month candidate I'd say.
Couldn't have said it better. Something really special you have here Jaguar one of the bests screens I've seen in my time here!
Thanks a ton guys, this all means a lot to me, especially what Posix said. I thought this park was going to be a risky decision but I'm very glad it's being received well.
Damn, looks incredible
love it
this is dope as shit
Jaguar, you're finally listening to yourself and not the community. This is the most original screen since alex's. I love your flair for dark blues in this. Refreshing to see, reminiscent of pierrot's space screens. Very very well done.
Liam, screenshot of the month candidate I'd say.
Couldn't have said it better. Something really special you have here Jaguar one of the bests screens I've seen in my time here!
This is prime!
I echo what posix said. Amazing and wonderful to see.
Thanks a ton guys, this all means a lot to me, especially what Posix said. I thought this park was going to be a risky decision but I'm very glad it's being received well.
As for Faas, I'd love to have a guest part.