Now that looks so much better, it's very clean... the foliage though, it's too sparse. Try bunching up the trees together and surrounding them with bushes.
Looks a lot better!
I wouldn't mind to see more colour in there though!
Paths look a bit steril. Maybe a few more stalls, lamp posts, litter bins etc could do wonders.
Good job none the less.
I'm no expert, but I would try to add some tables with a few umbrellas. Just to clarify what I mean:
I would also reconsider the small wooden kiddie coaster. Maybe a small junior coaster would work better here.
Jaguar has a point too about the foliage. I would recommend to take a look at Faas's Vitaminland here, for inspiration.
Maybe a small pond or something could help too.
This is pretty cool. I'd consider adding some slanted supports to the lift hill (which the track below can pass through). I agree with Lagom about adding some colour too. Some bright flowers in those planters would go a long way.
This is pretty cool. I'd consider adding some slanted supports to the lift hill (which the track below can pass through). I agree with Lagom about adding some colour too. Some bright flowers in those planters would go a long way.
Unfortunately it looks like there's no empty space between the track and the station on the side facing us, other than that slant supports would be a good idea.
Now that looks so much better, it's very clean... the foliage though, it's too sparse. Try bunching up the trees together and surrounding them with bushes.
Looks a lot better!
I wouldn't mind to see more colour in there though!
Paths look a bit steril. Maybe a few more stalls, lamp posts, litter bins etc could do wonders.
Good job none the less.
Thanks. I've already taken your advice, but if there's any other criticisms you have, I'm all ears. I need this map to be considerably good.
I'm no expert, but I would try to add some tables with a few umbrellas. Just to clarify what I mean:

I would also reconsider the small wooden kiddie coaster. Maybe a small junior coaster would work better here.
Jaguar has a point too about the foliage. I would recommend to take a look at Faas's Vitaminland here, for inspiration.
Maybe a small pond or something could help too.
Keep it up
I'd recommend that you smooth out the bottom of the first drop. It is way too tight right now.
This is a HUUUUGGGEEEE Improvement.
I consider it an apology for my other park
I've said it before and I'll say it again; I love your woodies.
This is pretty cool. I'd consider adding some slanted supports to the lift hill (which the track below can pass through). I agree with Lagom about adding some colour too. Some bright flowers in those planters would go a long way.
Unfortunately it looks like there's no empty space between the track and the station on the side facing us, other than that slant supports would be a good idea.
Its good, you sure know how to build your woodies!-Apple