Love how the coaster interacts with the surroundings. Yellow works really well here. Looks very good!
You really turned this area into something special. Glad I could help a little with the path, tho I didn't have time to do the edges.
Really nice work here, probably my favorite area of the park.
Looks cool. Has a lot of old school charm, kind of reminds me of an old H2H style of LL.
A portion of the Egyptian section of our recent Greco Roman park. I did the majority of the Egyptian section although Kumba created the path and the bushes along it.
Love how the coaster interacts with the surroundings.
Yellow works really well here.
Looks very good!
You really turned this area into something special. Glad I could help a little with the path, tho I didn't have time to do the edges.
Really nice work here, probably my favorite area of the park.
Looks cool. Has a lot of old school charm, kind of reminds me of an old H2H style of LL.