The feeling some of these older parks gives off is so interesting. It's so mythical, but yet realistic enough to be believable. Just the name " Bijou Magique", it just takes you someplace.
'Magic' is probably the key word here, and for all the parks in this genre. I miss the magic and wonder of Bijou Magique, Islands of Enchantment and Rivers of Babylon...
The area in this screen is too large like many BM areas, but when cropped in a screen like this it's amazing. The textures! Beautiful.
hey hello flashback! i actually looked at this park the other day and Liam i totally agree, the areas are SO big! If the whole thing scaled down 25% it would have been much nicer. and easier to make ha
Its a shame that "IOA" parks, which I like to call them, are no longer popular. The best of them really have their own identity and make you wish they could exist in the real world.
Corkscrewed's review of ROB is probably the closest you can get to that. If only such reviews existed for all these parks.
These are my favorite type of parks for sure. The embodied-in-realism trend of the past few years is nice and on a technical level is far greater than anything that has come before it, but there's a sense of 'magic' that these parks really did have that's hard to come by nowadays. Zippo's had it, but not much else has had it in recent memory.
I think that with the ever-increasing pressure of the object data limi eventually we'll have to find a new happy medium of detail vs. park size and features which may lend itself towards a style like this, just with more realistic details in supports, backstage areas, etc. A happy mix would do wonders for the site and could usher in a new age of content.
The feeling some of these older parks gives off is so interesting. It's so mythical, but yet realistic enough to be believable. Just the name " Bijou Magique", it just takes you someplace.
The area in this screen is too large like many BM areas, but when cropped in a screen like this it's amazing. The textures! Beautiful.
hey hello flashback! i actually looked at this park the other day and Liam i totally agree, the areas are SO big! If the whole thing scaled down 25% it would have been much nicer. and easier to make ha
Its a shame that "IOA" parks, which I like to call them, are no longer popular. The best of them really have their own identity and make you wish they could exist in the real world.
Corkscrewed's review of ROB is probably the closest you can get to that. If only such reviews existed for all these parks.
These are my favorite type of parks for sure. The embodied-in-realism trend of the past few years is nice and on a technical level is far greater than anything that has come before it, but there's a sense of 'magic' that these parks really did have that's hard to come by nowadays. Zippo's had it, but not much else has had it in recent memory.
I think that with the ever-increasing pressure of the object data limi eventually we'll have to find a new happy medium of detail vs. park size and features which may lend itself towards a style like this, just with more realistic details in supports, backstage areas, etc. A happy mix would do wonders for the site and could usher in a new age of content.