You did it! You finally found the tree object that made me say "Wow, that's an ugly tree"
Everything except the reddish tree is brilliant. If only there was a way you could find an object that was just a bit crisper with a similar colour palette.
I think you did really well with the foliage here, really interesting textures. I like how it looks with the roofs. But I hate that god damn red tree lmao
i think its a bit opaque. if you could thin out the foliage to let us see what's going on a bit better whilst still carrying the feel, i think it would be even better
not sure whats going on but cool scenery
You did it! You finally found the tree object that made me say "Wow, that's an ugly tree"
Everything except the reddish tree is brilliant. If only there was a way you could find an object that was just a bit crisper with a similar colour palette.
I think you did really well with the foliage here, really interesting textures. I like how it looks with the roofs. But I hate that god damn red tree lmao
I actually think the red tree works really well here. Brilliant foliage!
i think its a bit opaque. if you could thin out the foliage to let us see what's going on a bit better whilst still carrying the feel, i think it would be even better
It's all ogre now.
I'm in agreement with Rob and Sam. Love the amount of ground-level overgrowth but wish I could see what was going on a little better.