Screenshot / Little Worlds?


  • Version1%s's Photo

    To be fair: Twister is really hard to pull of in RCT, even harder than other woodies.

  • MCI%s's Photo

    I´d say leave twister out.

    It´s perfect the way it is now.

  • alex%s's Photo

    This is beautiful man. You've got a nack for making ride spaghetti look good!

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    So much to look at, and not the least bit messy. Bravo! As for Twister, give it a try at least. Might be it will end up looking great.

  • posix%s's Photo
    Uhh... it's so super technical. Where did Liseberg's freedom and unpretentiousnes go? It's like you've sold your originality in favour of following formulaic NE realism trends.
  • Austin55%s's Photo

    Uhh... it's so super technical. Where did Liseberg's freedom and unpretentiousnes go? It's like you've sold your originality in favour of following formulaic NE realism trends.


    I agree. Feels so clinical somehow, but its hard to suggest what to change.  

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    Liseberg didn't have that freedom or unpretentiousness either, it was just less architecturally dense so it wasn't as striking. This is some of the best modelism on this site though. You don't get totally sucked into the details, just enough to convey the image. 

  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    Seems like the same building style used in Liseberg to me...

  • SlayMeGaga%s's Photo

    Uhh... it's so super technical. Where did Liseberg's freedom and unpretentiousnes go? It's like you've sold your originality in favour of following formulaic NE realism trends.


    lol what 

  • Julow%s's Photo

    This is just soooo perfect. Watching all your screenshots and I'm officially a fan of you. 

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