This is very nice! Great atmosphere and I like the bright orange roofs. Foliage could use some work but overall I enjoy the scene.
What is that object you're using for the flower/plant pots?
I use the object "Candy Small-MG" for the flower pots. And I'll add the B&M support base cylinder to the bottom of the "pots" tomorrow. Now it's time to sleep here...Zzz...
Um...I have addicted myself into reviewing Angry Video Game Nerd series recent days.So everyday when I want t o start my building, it's about the bed time.And I spent 3 days to build this station for lazy guests.
Sick! Looks stunning!
This is very nice! Great atmosphere and I like the bright orange roofs. Foliage could use some work but overall I enjoy the scene.
What is that object you're using for the flower/plant pots?
I use the object "Candy Small-MG" for the flower pots. And I'll add the B&M support base cylinder to the bottom of the "pots" tomorrow. Now it's time to sleep here...Zzz...
Very impressive stuff! If that is your idea of a chairlift station, I can't imagine how awesome your ideas for a complete park must be!
Nostalgia Critic is better btw
Just awesome, what an incredible castle! It'll be fun to watch this park develop more!
Great work. Just lovely.
lol. AVGN just broke NC's window with a roll of newspaper in his new episode 140, "Paper Boy".
really cool!
Great work. Just lovely. superb!
Nice composition!
Great, reminds me of one of my projects were I used several difierent colors and textures in a old-styled wall
Thank you!
It's great to have a fan!
Ver-co Fan Offline
It's a correct work. It's pleasing to see that you're progressing.