Wow, this is amazing! So you're not only good with oldschool RCT2, you can do modern too!
Two suggestions for improvement:
- I'm not sure the red and blue roofs work. I think making them all the same shade of green will work very well. Hold your hand in front of the right half of the screen, and do the same for the other half. Which half is more atmospheric?
- The peach coloured ruins are not working at all.
I agree with the peach rocks not working too well, but I do like the different coloured roofs. Quaint little buildings, and well executed waterfalls too.
Wow, this is amazing! So you're not only good with oldschool RCT2, you can do modern too!
Two suggestions for improvement:
- I'm not sure the red and blue roofs work. I think making them all the same shade of green will work very well. Hold your hand in front of the right half of the screen, and do the same for the other half. Which half is more atmospheric?
- The peach coloured ruins are not working at all.
- More
I agree with the peach rocks not working too well, but I do like the different coloured roofs. Quaint little buildings, and well executed waterfalls too.
Very nice.
I am totally a fan of the colored roofs
Wow, i really wish more of this was finished. Keep going, the colored roofs really do look great.
thats pretty classy. Are they actual cabins for staying in, or themeing in a park? Love the waterfall though
They're pretty much just themeing. I'm thinking of adding some sort of entrance building on the left side.
I agree with Liam on the blue roof. The red one, however, looks good.
^ I don't know if it's the color or just that the blue roof is messy, but the red and green look so much better than the blue.
NIntrse.zephYr Offline
The blue roof is very off to me, but the other parts of the screen really scream atmosphere to me. Keep it up.
Why are you suddenly commenting on stuff that's over half a year old?
I really like that. Very shapely buildings.
To be fair Ling, I've not seen this before, and it was a pleasant surprise!
tdub96 Offline
Yea this is a good bump, never seen this before. Reminds me of Ohiopyle, a state park in central PA. This is a really nice screen.