Screenshot / Efteling's little brother
- 24-May 16
- Bosrijk
- 2 of 2
- Views 2,079
- Fans 2
- Comments 12
Since it's coming along nicely, I might as well make this an official project.
It's a small, rather minimalistic, themepark with the Claustrophobia/Agoraphobia inspired duellers as the main attraction. Some parts are loosely based on the Efteling, but more importantly, I'm trying to capture the same atmosphere that the Efteling has. You could see this park as an attempt to create the Efteling's little brother. - Full-Size
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trav Offline
Very pretty.
Jappy Offline
That tower at the train station is soooo Efteling. You've captured the atmosphere very well. I'm looking forward to this.
RWE Offline
I really like this. Great work!
Faas Offline
Dimi Offline
RCT2day Offline
Steve Offline
Sulakke Offline
This. The black queue is canceled out by the dark foliage behind it.
And the poles of the jetty look funky. Less poles would look better.
The rest is really good.
robbie92 Offline
FredD Offline
Really pretty, so atmospheric.
Angroc Fan Offline
That's a beautiful lil' station. So quaint.
Louis! Fan Offline
so unbelievably cute <3