Definitely needs more fences. Maybe some ultra twister track as cages around the slides could be nice as well. The candy and the virginia reel stuff is all very round. Fitting for coral. But there's also the coral that is very angular and grainy, somewhat resembling branches, and that's the kind of aesthetic that is still largely absent from the area. Ultra twister track could fill the gap...
You've got the trackitecture perfect, but if you take it away, there's nothing in this screen. You have proven you know how to use ride track to your advantage, now try to integrate it with some more traditional buildings.
This is the most NE LL thing ever. Pastel colors, virgina reel trackitecture, tropical foliage.
Its all really nice, but something about it seem unfinished, maybe its the fences around the path that have been mentioned. Ultra twister track isn't necessary though, it wouldn't really make sense thematically or realistically.
I'll agree with CSW though, you lack traditional buildings in your work a bit. Luna was an exception, but I feel in this park and to a greater extent in Chronus there was a lack of architecture in some areas.
I love it, but also agree with the sentiments about your architecture. Even adding little huts here and there with the thatch roofing or something would make the area feel a little less barren I think.
With that said, I agree about the lack of buildings. Or at least the lack of something... I'm not quite sure what, but as it is now it looks a little lifeless and empty, somehow. Just a carefully placed t-shirt stall or two (as architectural elements) could add a lot, I think. Maybe also some kind of path or track awnings.
Yes, you're still doing it! Agree with what people have said. It's gorgeous but too dependent on the trackitecture. Perhaps focus more on good ride design next. Personally I wouldn't care how many buildings a waterpark is "supposed" to have. It's your park and your rules.
And G Force, I think this is as un-NE as possible as it's so post-postmodern.
There is a building just out of shot actually.. however that too is overgrown with trackitecture!
I'll try out the ultra twister idea Liam, could work well. Your chess piece idea certainly did
Interesting debate on how 'NE style' this is. It's actually something I'm aiming to achieve with this project.. like a Natelox style disney park but in a modern way.
Those slide supports are awesome. As are the corals.
Wow. I love the colors.
Jesus, dude. Stop being so fucking good. My only suggestion would be to add a few fences to the path edges here and there but otherwise, damn.
Excellent screen
You've got the trackitecture perfect, but if you take it away, there's nothing in this screen. You have proven you know how to use ride track to your advantage, now try to integrate it with some more traditional buildings.
This is the most NE LL thing ever. Pastel colors, virgina reel trackitecture, tropical foliage.
Its all really nice, but something about it seem unfinished, maybe its the fences around the path that have been mentioned. Ultra twister track isn't necessary though, it wouldn't really make sense thematically or realistically.
I'll agree with CSW though, you lack traditional buildings in your work a bit. Luna was an exception, but I feel in this park and to a greater extent in Chronus there was a lack of architecture in some areas.
Also dang you for starting a water park while I'm working on one.
oh goodness
I love it, but also agree with the sentiments about your architecture. Even adding little huts here and there with the thatch roofing or something would make the area feel a little less barren I think.
This, exactly!
With that said, I agree about the lack of buildings. Or at least the lack of something... I'm not quite sure what, but as it is now it looks a little lifeless and empty, somehow. Just a carefully placed t-shirt stall or two (as architectural elements) could add a lot, I think. Maybe also some kind of path or track awnings.
Yes, you're still doing it! Agree with what people have said. It's gorgeous but too dependent on the trackitecture. Perhaps focus more on good ride design next. Personally I wouldn't care how many buildings a waterpark is "supposed" to have. It's your park and your rules.
And G Force, I think this is as un-NE as possible as it's so post-postmodern.
yeah, I've decided to quit.
The elements are very NE like (colors, virgina reel trackitecture), but they are done in a new and interesting way which elevates it a lot.
Cheers for all the feedback.

There is a building just out of shot actually.. however that too is overgrown with trackitecture!
I'll try out the ultra twister idea Liam, could work well. Your chess piece idea certainly did
Interesting debate on how 'NE style' this is. It's actually something I'm aiming to achieve with this project.. like a Natelox style disney park but in a modern way.
well I've found my new favorite park
Looks great alex.
How about some mini golf canvas tents to break the path up a little? Would make a good spot for the lifeguards to sit too.
this is so so so good. i love it, great aesthetics. who cares about anything else.