I actually wasn't a huge fan of this, while being a fan of your style and this being built in that style. NCSO just doesn't suit you I guess. It looks like you tried to use every single object available on the bench, resulting in a mess. Otherwise this was fun and skillful, of course. Just not up to par with your usual work by a considerable margin.
Kind of reminded me of shogo's pirate work earlier - not bad, and certainly quite nice with the landscaping and waterside, but the buildings are bit messy. I think it's just the sheer amount of colors and textures (in the train building specifically) that detract from the scene. Oh, but the landscaping and interaction was just gorgeous!
I built the majority of this in just a day after messing around a bit. I sort of just started building stream-of-consciousness style and didn't really think much about it, which was pretty fun. Nothing too exciting but I was pleased anyway
This looks great! It has a brilliant fun factor that I love.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure nobody would EVER have guessed this was you.
This was one of my favorites.
That coaster bridge on the right in the top screen is one of the most original and coolest idea's ever.
This one won the contest for me, but it was just too easy to guess it was you.
Weirdly I get so many hints of Bermuda from H2H7 from this. Which makes sense I suppose.
Yeah, I thought the same thing, Bermuda NCSO version
It's like DisneyEarth if cso never happened.
Kind of reminded me of shogo's pirate work earlier - not bad, and certainly quite nice with the landscaping and waterside, but the buildings are bit messy. I think it's just the sheer amount of colors and textures (in the train building specifically) that detract from the scene. Oh, but the landscaping and interaction was just gorgeous!