I think your right stoksy but with that I think think that the windows shouldn't be that same ice blue color. also are you going to make the mini coaster track invisible? If not i think you should.
@Faas: I'll see how they look like in brown. I made them grey because I wanted to avoid having too much brown in this area, with the trees, ground and fences.
@Stoksy: Thanks!
@Scoop: I will try some different colours on the windows. Making the minicoaster track invisible isn't going to work I'm afraid, as I believe the crooked house-hack doesn't work when the track contains diagonal pieces.
@Poke: in what way don't they work? Colour, shape...? Yes, I did have a Mexican themed rapids in my very first release, hell, it was my very first screen on NE! But with that rapids the theme was unique to the ride, here it is part of a larger themed area.
Beautiful screen! I love the rapids you make.
However, I don't love the building on the station platform. I looks out of place. Furthermore I think you should try to make the area around the platform round as well. Maybe the monorail would work.
Anyhow, I think you're on to sometime great here. Looking forward to seeing more.
I'll try to take a look at the monorail. The buildings on the station are going to be a problem however. I suck at hacking entrance huts away, that's why I never do it in any of my parks. So creative solutions have to be found. I agree it would look better without it though.
Change the 1k ruins to brown, grey looks fake and doesn't fit the theming. Maybe work on the foliage a bit as well, it doesn't really feel organic and finished.
Looking good. I think Mexican rocks are not grey though but I don't know why. Maybe brown?
The orange and ice blue work really well here.
I think your right stoksy but with that I think think that the windows shouldn't be that same ice blue color. also are you going to make the mini coaster track invisible? If not i think you should.
Rocks ain't working for me. Didn't you have a mexican themed rapids in your older park?
@Faas: I'll see how they look like in brown. I made them grey because I wanted to avoid having too much brown in this area, with the trees, ground and fences.
@Stoksy: Thanks!
@Scoop: I will try some different colours on the windows. Making the minicoaster track invisible isn't going to work I'm afraid, as I believe the crooked house-hack doesn't work when the track contains diagonal pieces.
@Poke: in what way don't they work? Colour, shape...? Yes, I did have a Mexican themed rapids in my very first release, hell, it was my very first screen on NE! But with that rapids the theme was unique to the ride, here it is part of a larger themed area.
Thanks for the replies!
Beautiful screen! I love the rapids you make.
However, I don't love the building on the station platform. I looks out of place. Furthermore I think you should try to make the area around the platform round as well. Maybe the monorail would work.
Anyhow, I think you're on to sometime great here. Looking forward to seeing more.
I'll try to take a look at the monorail. The buildings on the station are going to be a problem however. I suck at hacking entrance huts away, that's why I never do it in any of my parks. So creative solutions have to be found. I agree it would look better without it though.
Change the 1k ruins to brown, grey looks fake and doesn't fit the theming. Maybe work on the foliage a bit as well, it doesn't really feel organic and finished.
Is that the queue path, or just theming?