I think all the brick texturing (except on the circular towers) is probably a bit of an overload and cluttering the screen. But otherwise it looks really good!
Cool building! The dome is a bit of a mess but there is nothing to do about that. For the blue roofs on the left and right of the screen, I would stick to one roof type instead of two.
I saw this on the front page and thought that liam had just recolored his previous screen. lol. Nice shit though really cool. a couple of nitpick things. I don't think you need the peach color on the columns at the entrance and the textures randomly placed on the brown columns look weird. maybe it's because they are to uniform but I think it could look better there.
I'd go with brown for all the walls or white for all the walls. When I look up pictures from this church, everything looks quite white to me. The inverted track on the dome could use a darker shade maybe, so that it blends in better. Not sure if it'll work out though. I also agree with Faas and pierrot.
Interesting subject for a recreation! And well done too, especially the entrance, that's some of the best RCT I've seen lately! I agree with Liampie though, you should've gone with white all the way. Definitely for the towers.
@PBJ: Sorry, it stands for Map Object Manipulation. One of the features in 8cars yet to be transferred over to OpenRCT. It allows for the raising/lowering of ride track [for the dome roof], among other things, by single-unit increments. Allowing you to layer track on top of each other.
@Everyone else: Thank you! I've changed the towers to white, cleaned up the texture work behind the statues, and made the roofs on the left and right consistent. Looks a lot better. Don't think I'll change the entire front facade to white though, I'm afraid that it'll look too bright then. I'll probably end up re-doing the brown coloured offshoot, couldn't get a good view of that section from the reference pictures I was using.
Some context: This was essentially an RCT-tangent (didn't want to work on a strict park-recreation, nor was limited CSO work particularly appealing). The structure itself is right in the middle of the park and I loosely plan on surrounding themed areas representing different countries around Europe (eg there's a UK section which I've very barely started). It'll be the first European-themed park not made by a European
Absolutely stunning. This is the kind of work I live for!
Some tips to improve though:
the proportions are off with both the white entryways and the tower + base: too squat and not tall enough. Looking at photos of the church, the dome and the base are about the same height, the black window in the dome is much smaller than the archways on either side and the dome is very steep with almost a vertical rise and a sharp curve. Your dome is too shallow and low and the base seems a bit squat in comparison, along with the fact that both entries on the left and right are too short and stout. I can't really think of a solution right off the top of my head for the dome without trying it in game; the diagonal invert tracks are very distracting and add to the clutter. There must be a way to simplify it with deco blocks or something?
Either way, great work here. To get better proportions next time, try to measure out an elevation of the building and divide it into grids so you can easily translate it into the game at the correct scale.
Kumba I get that the dome is phallic shaped and all but, like, I dunno how'd I would feel about you fucking isometric pixels on the screen. Anyway, it's my job to drool over tall rounded objects like that. Learn your role.
Playing around with openRCT (except for the dome which needed MoM). The diagonal window was really difficult to build, still not sure if I'm completely satisfied with what I ended up with.
I think all the brick texturing (except on the circular towers) is probably a bit of an overload and cluttering the screen. But otherwise it looks really good!
PBJ Offline
like it....
Gives me a bit of Assassins creed feeling...
The brick texture is a bit overdone..
what the hell is MoM??
in fucking credible
Impressive to say at least!
Cool building! The dome is a bit of a mess but there is nothing to do about that. For the blue roofs on the left and right of the screen, I would stick to one roof type instead of two.
I saw this on the front page and thought that liam had just recolored his previous screen. lol. Nice shit though really cool. a couple of nitpick things. I don't think you need the peach color on the columns at the entrance and the textures randomly placed on the brown columns look weird. maybe it's because they are to uniform but I think it could look better there.
Sigh I can never reach this potential, I think i give up on rct2.
9/10. Would definitely bang.
Interesting subject for a recreation! And well done too, especially the entrance, that's some of the best RCT I've seen lately! I agree with Liampie though, you should've gone with white all the way. Definitely for the towers.
PBJ Offline
Playing around with openRCT (except for the dome which needed MoM).
What is MoM?
Masters of Mordcore?
Models of Mordor?
Maids over Men?
what is it?
@PBJ: Sorry, it stands for Map Object Manipulation. One of the features in 8cars yet to be transferred over to OpenRCT. It allows for the raising/lowering of ride track [for the dome roof], among other things, by single-unit increments. Allowing you to layer track on top of each other.
@Everyone else: Thank you! I've changed the towers to white, cleaned up the texture work behind the statues, and made the roofs on the left and right consistent. Looks a lot better. Don't think I'll change the entire front facade to white though, I'm afraid that it'll look too bright then. I'll probably end up re-doing the brown coloured offshoot, couldn't get a good view of that section from the reference pictures I was using.
Some context: This was essentially an RCT-tangent (didn't want to work on a strict park-recreation, nor was limited CSO work particularly appealing). The structure itself is right in the middle of the park and I loosely plan on surrounding themed areas representing different countries around Europe (eg there's a UK section which I've very barely started). It'll be the first European-themed park not made by a European
Also Stoksy, I love the use of the net object to create diagonal brick texture!
Absolutely stunning. This is the kind of work I live for!
Some tips to improve though:
the proportions are off with both the white entryways and the tower + base: too squat and not tall enough. Looking at photos of the church, the dome and the base are about the same height, the black window in the dome is much smaller than the archways on either side and the dome is very steep with almost a vertical rise and a sharp curve. Your dome is too shallow and low and the base seems a bit squat in comparison, along with the fact that both entries on the left and right are too short and stout. I can't really think of a solution right off the top of my head for the dome without trying it in game; the diagonal invert tracks are very distracting and add to the clutter. There must be a way to simplify it with deco blocks or something?
Either way, great work here. To get better proportions next time, try to measure out an elevation of the building and divide it into grids so you can easily translate it into the game at the correct scale.