Screenshot / Log Jammer & Frontier-Trail
20-February 16
G Force's Worlds of Fun
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- Comments 80
Here we have the Frontier-Trail, home of Log Jammer a Arrow Log Flume. Also in the area are Fort Madison, Log Roller (a Top Spin), and a working blacksmith shop. All providing a true frontier experience for all ages.
Also in seen is a bit of Africa, which transitions to the Frontier-Trail area. -
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion but some of the feedback you get just makes me shake my head. My hope is that while of course some feedback is constructive, you can separate that from the rest of the feedback where people want you to build in a different, less realistic style that you may not enjoy as much.
Your work is brilliant. If this is the style you enjoy (and I know it is) then keep building it because having fun is all that really matters. Also... many of us, especially those of us who visit a lot of Cedar Fair parks and understand the intricacies of your park planning / clever Cedar Fair detailing and references you make really appreciate and love your work.
You're one of the best players out there who's actively building and you're an asset to the site and the community. Don't worry about the bullshit. I sincerely hope you keep building and building upon parks in this style.
The Macro Revolution is upon us.
No one is asking him to build less realistic. I only want to speak for myself here, but the thing is that G Force is obviously talented, but makes the most predictable and bland park possible. The whole park is so polished, smooth and sterile; where is the awkwardness and the irregularity of real life? Even the elements that are usually a basic ingrediënt of a gritty realism park, dumpsters and airco units, are formulaic. Go one step further! I want to you to build MORE realistic, not less!
Great attitude man, but out of context I can agree with it in a way: don't listen to anyone if you enjoy what you're doing. But also don't be disappointed if the reception is not what you were hoping for... It certainly shouldn't have come as a surprise. Maybe also lower your expectations for the final product. While you had a great start with the entrance, I haven't seen much spotlight quality since... Just solid gold (that's a compliment!).
It's fine just the way it is
I think the screen is lovely. Please don't change the wall type, the fact that it has that texture brings so much to the screen in the absence of colour.
the fact that some people giving u shit about your pictures arent even good builders themselves or let alone post screens..ignore the retards gforce, i always liked your shit. I have to block out all the stuff I get when i post screens, especially being a new face on here its kinda tough bc you get the most shit. I know I'm a good park builder but the same time you question yourself bc sooo many people say this and that while there technically nothing wrong with the screenshots.
That´s not how this works. That´s not how any of this works.
Even something as small as adding a bit of lighter green foliage to the water's edge or changing the colours of the top spin or something would make this come alive. I don't think everyone is calling for you to go all Shotguns on us, but there's a happy medium between rainbow and brown; even with K0NG's work, though we'd poke fun at the "brown isn't a theme" thing, had more variation in colour than what this has. Maybe it looks better in the context of the park when there's more around it, but isolated like this and it's pretty dull. I see that there's a touch of magenta flowers hidden in the foliage; maybe bringing that out a bit more or adding some sort of accent colour would do wonders.
I think you're quite right about this, but your behaviour doesn't match this philosophy. You left out the part about insulting the people you don't agree with. Why are you so frustrated?
omg thats now my new nickname for you liam rofl
That makes no sense whatsoever
Yeah it wouldn't to a hater . Thanks bro bro
It just doesn't. You say you want to complete park for once without having to start over because there is criticism. I mean, you have 2 clear options here:
1. Ignore the criticism and just build the park
2. Don't post screenshots, finish the park
Why finish something that people have a problem with from the get go . Mind as well make something else they would appreciate more . Makes complete sense
If your building to please NE then your building for the WRONG reasons. It's a game not a Job. So Honestly it doesn't matter what you build as long as it looks good to you. All NE is doing is giving opinions in a critical way.
your right but at the same time you want to please people on here bc it's a competitive website to get people to like your stuff