I only now see the tree trick... Very subtle, but very nice. If you have more trees like that it'll be more notable.
Screen itself is okay. I prefer your older work because it was more chaotic and atmospheric. And it didn't have steel roofs. Landscaping is great though, so far.
Screen itself is okay. I prefer your older work because it was more chaotic and atmospheric. And it didn't have steel roofs. Landscaping is great though, so far.
Thanks! The "chaos" will come soon
I think youve still got it.
Thank you!
My old handicap is back!
It's called Building a good layout of a coaster....
Some of the foliage colours are a bit questionable. I like the building a lot though.
the form of this is rather good, but I think you're limiting yourself by using such outdated scenery.
Cool fallen tree. Keep building, can't wait to see more.
Use something other than those wooden beams for the bridge deck, they get really glitchy and overall dont look that great.
PBJ Offline
thank all of you guys!
@alex - suggestion for the colors are always welcome
@gdb - OUtdated yes... I have not played this game for a long time! I'm gonne go for some old skool look and feeling.
@Coasterbill - more will come soon...
@Gforce - I've no other option then those wooden beams. it's glitch sensitive i know... but I was out of options...
needs more finish.
Screen itself is okay. I prefer your older work because it was more chaotic and atmospheric. And it didn't have steel roofs. Landscaping is great though, so far.
I think youve still got it.
PBJ Offline
Thanks! The "chaos" will come soon
Thank you!
My old handicap is back!
It's called Building a good layout of a coaster....
Grush best design 2016 awards