Screenshot / Any good park name suggestions?
01-February 16
Silver Hills Amusement Park
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Something I have been working on, it's still VERY unfinished, but I would like some advice and pointers to see if I'm going in the right direction. The coaster track will be full blue in the end but I made it green for testing purposes. Also, I still need a name for the park, any good suggestions?
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From the other side (180 degree rotation) it looks the same, the sprite from the 90 degree angle lines up with the track but is still a work in progress.
Also, I accidentally voted on my own screen because I'm using a touch pad, can a mod please remove my vote -_-''. To all the others, thanks for the high votes, I'm actually pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm this screen got!
I would also like to know your guy opinion on the other things in the screen, what do you guys thing about the chair lift cars? I tried to make new cars because I thought the other "closed" custom cars look too closed. And what do you guys think about the foliage, the pirate ship and other stuff?
Had the same reaction as Liam when I first saw this. Is that also a new chairlift car? Looks very clean as an object actually, nice job!
Have you looked at the OpenRCT2 source code? I looked at it a while ago, and it looks like any attempt to add new track pieces is going to take substantially more reverse engineering than has been done but may well one day be possible.
Last I checked, there was a seperate function for drawing each track style, indexed into by a jump table with the track ID as an index. Those individual track draw functions hadn't been reverse engineered but we only particularly care about one : Twister track (it's the most capable, with nearly all the elements). Reverse that one, and modify it, and you could presumably put together a suitable draw function for a custom track.
However, there's also the vehicle update code, which would be needed if you want to actually introduce new elements instead of just new track styles. I have no idea how it works or how much of it has been done; that's something to look into.
Then the final issue is with the train sprites themselves. They don't have sprites for diagonal loops, and adding a new sprite group isn't easy (I don't think there's room for more flags). Even if this weren't too hard to do I'd expect it to break backward compatabilty, so if I was you I'd concentrate on elements that would not require new train sprites, rather than diagonal loops.
I tried something similar to you in the past - a different approach was taken but in the end it was just as useless.
The lighting is backwards on the chairlift cars. Its fine to vote on your own screens.
@X7123M3-256: That sounds interesting, I will look into it. And I have seen your screen before, it is what got me off my ass and start making sprites. I have had this idea for a while but was to lazy to actually finish the sprite. So thanks for that
@inthemanual It is indeed backwards, the reason for this is the original sprite was the mirror image of this sprite and since this was only a test I did not make all the sprites yet. When I release the ride the lighting direction will be fixed
I dunno man, it feels like liking your own facebook post: it should not be done.
I believe they mentioned something similar to this in one of their podcasts of openrct.
Once they have fully recoded the game, it should be possible but it would also lead in a complete new savefile type only useable in openrct. Things they mentioned were the possibility of constructing new trackparts and no object limit (or a bigger one).
Screen looks good, although i'm not a fan of those 1k ruin caves.
I'm pretty sure this would be possible in OpenRCT2.
I dearly hope we'll be able to build working diagonal loops (and any other inversion, as well as stations!) with future versions of OpenRCT2... A brave attempt this, anyway. You said you made the loop sprite in paint? That's a great job in that case, it looks so natural I didn't even think about it at first! Chairlift cars look good too!
As for the screen per se, I agree with phann about the ruins. You should try to break that up with for instance some 1/4-tile landblocks or something, it's a little crude atm. The swinging ship looks very good, but where are the seats?
@mintliqueur I plan on adding floorless coaster cars to the swinging ship to act as seats.
The two coolest custom content advances in modern rct history are easily this diagonal loop (I know it's in development but I still love it) and X7123M3-256's custom rides. Please keep developing these types of things!
OddmentsAlchemyLab Offline
Based on the discussion, I'd suggest "Look Ay M'Loop! Land". Or "Technical Distraction Action Park."
For naming, I think lore would be more informative than screen capture - especially when, despite the scene-stealing loop, is well-decorated (You're Recurious, so of course. Thanks for the vertical plank walls!) but otherwise could be in any realistic park. I think any name based on this small park pic would be missing much of the story.
Then again - since the focus is making this loop work, I can't get the Talking Heads' "Making Flippy Floppy" out of my head. Few things are more inspiring than an Tina Weymouth bass line.
EDIT: Noticed after the fact that this thread is old and my comment is untimely. And with that, I have a new epitaph idea...