Screenshot / Any good park name suggestions?
01-February 16
Silver Hills Amusement Park
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Something I have been working on, it's still VERY unfinished, but I would like some advice and pointers to see if I'm going in the right direction. The coaster track will be full blue in the end but I made it green for testing purposes. Also, I still need a name for the park, any good suggestions?
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I'm confused. Also it took me too long to figure out what was of about the screen.
wtf?! please explain
What exactly do you want explained? Yes there is some custom stuff in this, or something else?
diagonal loop
I made it
And how does that loop work? Is it scenery?
Right now its an guaranteed error trapper, but I'm working on it.
> I made it
The sprite itself was made in MS paint
In this screenshot it's large scenery (aww, disappointing, I know), however I'm trying to get it actually working in the game (been trying since November last year) , but so far it has not been very successful. However, I could not spend as much time as I wanted to on this project because I am busy with my studies, so whenever I have some spare time I try to get it functioning, it's a fun challenge. Also my laptop broke down so that prevented me from working on it for 3 weeks.
And when I say functioning I mean, as a regular function in the game. Also, I'm also working on the chairlift you see on the right and an Euro fighter Train/Track.
Also, while we're at it, what do you guys think about the rest of the screen?
Still a great effort. I am no expert on how RCT2 is hard-coded, but creating new coaster pieces has always been considered next to impossible. Is RCT2 now fully open source? I would love to know more details on how you are even able to try and get this to work?
It would be amazing to have it really work. It can be done with a ton of work on animated objects, like send the coaster underground (like with a cave entry at each end of the diagonal loop) and have the animated object timed to show the coaster making a diagonal loop.
Really hope you can make this a reality!
RCT-wise your screen is really good. Peeps would help the atmosphere a lot. The diagonal ship is great.
You say you've tried to get this working. Care to explain a bit more? What have you tried? How far have you got? This is something I really want to see done, but beyond a few cursory glances at the track code and a couple of test sprites I didn't get very far with it.
Whoa what. Looks like a Hopkins loop.
As I said before, I have not been able to spend very much time on it, nor have I been very successful. Ideally I would want it to be just a regular function in RCT, as in that you can just click on create diagonal loop, and it will work. However this very hard to do since this would have to be hard coded into the game, and decompiling and understanding the logic of the game is just a shit storm. And to be honest, over the past couple months it has become evident that my programming skills are not up to par in order to do this.
So I decided to look for other ways to do it. What I tried before is replacing train sprites by sprites for this loop, however this also gives obvious problems as you limit other pieces of the coaster you can use and getting the trains to go over the track correctly is almost impossible, furthermore this prevented me from opening the park on another computer. Another idea that I had is to just make a whole new coaster, make it's track invisible, and also make the trains invisible, except for a couple of sprites which would be the diagonal looping train sprites. By making the trains leave the station at the same time and adjusting the track to have the same timing as the original track you could make the sprites appear in the looping. However these two options are more of a trick than an actually working looping.
So no, I have not really gotten anywhere with it yet and I may never get anywhere
, which is why I decided to post this screen. I originally wanted to wait for when I got it working, but I'm not sure if I can get it working, and I didn't want this project to go unseen in case I would lose interest.