I think what he's trying to say is that the building is interesting in form but the object selection and one color - one texture approach to building makes this look like an older, less-developed project.
I love the balcony - good fit for a building of government officials, maybe they give public speeches from there or something. I'd suggest that you could make the rose garden stand out as a feature by toning down the red elsewhere.
That's so sweet. Play with the redness of the roofs. Mix in some lighter reds on the different roof textures, and maybe even that dark pink magenta color.
I don't know why, but my first impression was that this building was made of chocolate, which is awesome! I think an entire area in this style might be a tad overkill without a little more breathing room and perhaps some open spaces, but as for a lone building and its immediate surroundings, I think it creates a really striking effect.
Thanks for your advice on my first screenshot,and maybe I have little patience to fix the details.My inspiration came from the Italian castle in Age of Empires,but as Chocotopian said,it might be a tad overkill.BTW,I brushed the roof back and forth with dark pink magenta color and deep red color before the completion...maybe I have choicephobia too.
I like it. Maybe add one or two more colours to the mix, in my personal experience two-toned buildings do not tend to look as well as they could, and they tend to stick out badly in the bigger picture. Consider painting all the spires black, for example. Also I'd pick another colour for the roses, I think that will give the screen more visual depth.
A scenic spot in my WIP park.A giant government hall full of bureaucrats,surrounded by roses.I spent hours to design this buliding, luckily it is symmetric,and I could just try my best to complete one half.
H2H4 called, they want their sick architecture back.
I think what he's trying to say is that the building is interesting in form but the object selection and one color - one texture approach to building makes this look like an older, less-developed project.
I love the balcony - good fit for a building of government officials, maybe they give public speeches from there or something. I'd suggest that you could make the rose garden stand out as a feature by toning down the red elsewhere.
That's so sweet. Play with the redness of the roofs. Mix in some lighter reds on the different roof textures, and maybe even that dark pink magenta color.
I don't know why, but my first impression was that this building was made of chocolate, which is awesome! I think an entire area in this style might be a tad overkill without a little more breathing room and perhaps some open spaces, but as for a lone building and its immediate surroundings, I think it creates a really striking effect.
Thanks for your advice on my first screenshot,and maybe I have little patience to fix the details.My inspiration came from the Italian castle in Age of Empires,but as Chocotopian said,it might be a tad overkill.BTW,I brushed the roof back and forth with dark pink magenta color and deep red color before the completion...maybe I have choicephobia too.
That's some sick architecture. I agree with liam on everything.