Wow, those coasters look absolutely badass. Great elements and placed perfectly. Pretty flawless screen, actually. I might stick to just one path type and use fuller, lush bursts of foliage in places but otherwise this is very cool.
The interaction and coaster elements are really cool, however it kind of lacks atmosphere. Maybe add a little more color in the foliage and reduce the amount of rocky land texture in favor for more grasses. Thicker quarter tile foliage would benefit the area, at least in my opinion.
Kumba is right, they seem too similar. I do have to say the way the lift supports ended up with the different colors looks too perfect. Such a simple thing like that ended up being my favorite part.
It goes corkscrews -> dive loops -> loops btw... After the loops they are both unique. I'm hesitant to change the beginning as I quite like the symmetry and the way the cars approach each other head on then twist into the dive.
Glad you like the supports, they are my favourite detail too.
The interaction and coaster elements are really cool, however it kind of lacks atmosphere. Maybe add a little more color in the foliage and reduce the amount of rocky land texture in favor for more grasses. Thicker quarter tile foliage would benefit the area, at least in my opinion.
Still fantastic, just a little bit dull.
Very nice! Are you able to sync the two coaster stations?
Cheers guys! I added some more lush foliage between the paths and rocks and it looks sick.
Yes bsg - as long as the very front piece of the stations are adjacent they can be facing opposite directions.
exactly what i said out loud when i saw it on the homepage
Not so keen on the main path selection you've chosen tbh.
Perhaps dirt & some crazy paving might blends well with others.
You can also sync dummy stations, that's how I did the top to bottom in V-Key and the swings in Roman Vice.
Awesome screen, I love duels. Just idk about the exact same elements after the loops, would rather it be unique.
Kumba is right, they seem too similar. I do have to say the way the lift supports ended up with the different colors looks too perfect. Such a simple thing like that ended up being my favorite part.
It goes corkscrews -> dive loops -> loops btw... After the loops they are both unique. I'm hesitant to change the beginning as I quite like the symmetry and the way the cars approach each other head on then twist into the dive.
Glad you like the supports, they are my favourite detail too.
Nice. A bit underwhelmed I have to admit, looking at your recent teaser screens.
I know it's the theme but I feel you've overused the land tool. Too much terraforming going on for me.
This is beautiful. I love the symmetry aspect. Really nice.