I think what makes this area stand out is how textured everything is. There are no smooth trees. There are quite a few different colours in there, but they all sort of form a gradient from bright green to greyish/bluish green. The path texture is one of the least smooth textures in the game. The visisbly land textures are mud, complemented by the again very grainy red and grey rock textures. The architecture is concrete, not marble, with AGAIN hightly textured wooden walls and roofs. Lastly, the grande finale in this analysis, the coaster. B&M track would've looked much less good, even though smoother is usually considered better at NE. The SLC track has more detail/texture, and it tends to look clumsy. That's why it fits in so perfectly.
The only exceptions to this are the 1x1 red path towers, and the wooden bridge. The wooden bridge gets a pass because it serves as a visual cue for the bridge-river-coaster interaction.
Almost every opportunity to add texture has been seized.
Agreed. All the trees, while from different parts of the world, share a certain bushiness which really brings them together.
^ Yeah, but if someone posted screens of this type of foliage today I think they'd be shot on site!
Pretty cool screen though! I love #fbf!
The only exceptions to this are the 1x1 red path towers, and the wooden bridge. The wooden bridge gets a pass because it serves as a visual cue for the bridge-river-coaster interaction.
Almost every opportunity to add texture has been seized.
urgh, this screen is perfect
A somewhat overrated park in my opinion.