Screenshot / Bridges
08-December 15
Erlebnispark Liefenthal
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Since I was forced to lower my entire park via MOM I had to work on this area again. No foliage done as of now, but I'd like to get some feedback on the rest, especially the big brown bridge. Not too happy with the big arch over Tell and I am not sure about the railing on the steel arch part either (which I admit I have totally stolen from El Encierro). I'm not too sure about the scaling on the entire architecture (as compared to the station complex of Tell) as of now, it all just seems out of proportions.
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That's one nice bridge, the upper railway bridge. But the large arch over the coaster bugs me, not having the same texture... It would be great if you could make, or ask someone to make you, a larger brick arch. It would really lift an already promising screen.
The coaster bridge looks great, however I'm not a big fan of the train bridge. Both because it looks not so great being basically all one texture, but also because you already have tracks right next to it. Do you really need 3 lines crossing the water right next to each other? Maybe get rid of the brown train bridge completely and just have the two lines at the bottom of the screen, would distract from the coaster a lot less IMO.
Is there any real life instance of a train track running over a coaster? Kinda seems dangerous to me
I really wish that the big arch was in the same texture as the rest of the bridge, alas such an objct does not exist. As for why I used two bridges: The brown bridge is from the parks own railway system, the one on the grey bridge is the public (in this case the SBB, the swiss railway system) one. Thats why I seperated them. No idea how to solve that one beside an entire overhaul of the brown bridge. Been thinking of using an arch like I did over the river in order to bridge over Tell.
Honestly I don't like the bridge over the coaster, the idea is great but it seems too forced and unnatural now.
I agree with pierrot.
It is a bit of a hassle, but I could raise the land in the hollow at the foot of the first drop above the elevation of the track in order to create a little tunnel.. But it would probably look forced as well. Originally the parks railway went under the big coaster bridge, but it didn't look great either.
Been thinking about doing a pond or something like that at the bottom of that pit. Raise the land and just do those concrete mouldings Maybe even a big destroyed castle structure that would merge with the bridge. But for now, I went with the easiest solution.
That remodeld bridge does look a whole lot better! If the other railway line is supposed to be swiss, I'd say try recreating the electric lines above the rails, since most railways are electrified in Switzerland. It would add a very nice realistic touch.
On the other hand, there is something to the criticism about there being too many railways here... Replacing the SBB line with a road would also look good.
And yeah, Railroads are very predominant in Switzerland, which is why they have such a strong presence in my park. My original layout for the park 5 years ago had indeed a road there, but I really like it as it is right now.
Thanks. Do you have a link for those zipline objects? Can't find them anywhere. And links to some parks that use those electric cables would be nice).
The entire thing will remain an afterthought for me though. I am still not done planning, and I do not know yet which objects I still need for the park. If I still have some object spaces left by the end of the other construction then I will build those cables.
Airtime used them well in Indiana Jones et le temple du peril