Architecture seems a little large in scale and bland. But its basically impossible to tell zoomed out like this, zoomed it screens are 100 times more helpful.
I think that the hill transitions on Apollo's Chariot could be made a little smoother, especially post-MCBR. Instead of smoothing out the top of the hill you've gone steep-shallow-flat when I think it looks and feels better if you go steep-shallow-shallow-flat.
^ Now that I'm using OpenRct2, simple hacks are extremely easy (especially zero clearance w/o white glitches). I'm going to finish Valravn first and then implement new ideas into Heatherthrow. I kinda hit a speed bump with ideas for that park.
I think that the hill transitions on Apollo's Chariot could be made a little smoother, especially post-MCBR. Instead of smoothing out the top of the hill you've gone steep-shallow-flat when I think it looks and feels better if you go steep-shallow-shallow-flat.
Interesting, looks good. How are all you your other projects btw? You've posted some good stuff.
Can't wait!
I think this looks promising.
I agree with G Force about the scale. It looks a little bit off.
But if you like it, you should stick to it the way it is.
However I look forward to see more. Good job.
Here is a new overview in better quality. I do agree with the scale of the buildings, but should I flatten the tops to help?
if you pull this off you will be my hero.