How do i even comment on something like this? I mean, i honestly don't have a feeling you will ever improve your screens, partially because of your poor English skills, but also because of how bad you are at RCT2.
Take a look at this screen. What is there? Just some land with some paths and some rides and a HUGE load of slabs.
Is there any point in those slabs? No. They look repetitive and bad. You should put thought in what you create instead of throwing down a ton of slabs just because you think they should be there.
Surely after being on NE for some time, you should've seen other people's parks. Compare them to your work. Do they create parks that are nothing but miles of land, some oversupported rides, crappy fulltile architecture that lacks detailing and a few one tile paths?
No. They create more dense things, like, actual parks, with fuller landscaping and actual foliage, well designed and nicely supported rides, detailed smaller architecture, and even detailed paths.
I'd say to just copy them because if you keep on building boring weird things like this, you'll never get good ratings on them.
Hey, dont be so mean! Hes definitely improving and clearly doesn't speak english well. You were bad not so long ago yourself...we cant afford to scare people away from ne before they get good! Yeah this screen isnt good but no need to make it mean.
Find someone who inspires you. Look at their parks and get some ideas from them. Even copy it to understand how to do it.
Over time I think you will get your own ideas and get better.
EDIT: Actually read previous comments. I agree with Cocoa. Wouter, I understand your frustration but mean comments won't do any good.
Battle Boy, put more time into your screenshots. I know you want to show off your work, but it takes time and patience to build something (with detail) people are willing to view. It's not the amount of screenshots you put down that gets ratings, it's the quality of screenshots.
Put your BEST EFFORT into EVERYTHING you build. When you think you can do absolutely no better, then post your screenshot. You'll get feedback. Then you get to rebuild and go through the process all over again
Make your screenshots magical. Show us what you're capable of EVERY TIME. Not just once in blue moon.
I understand i was a bit mean. In all honesty, i am indeed frustrated with how many effortless screens battle boy throws out and i just felt like i had to say something about it.
I understand i was a bit mean. In all honesty, i am indeed frustrated with how many effortless screens battle boy throws out and i just felt like i had to say something about it.
I completely understand the frustration. I tried to simply my vocab - maybe there's a language barrier? Still, he has to see the difference between an expert's and his lol. I feel like he hasn't improved at all. There was one or two promising screenshots but that was it. :/
Hey I'm sorry man but I can never understand what the hell you are saying all the time.
I also can't understand what you're building. Maybe start a project and keep explaining what it is we are looking at.
Very sorry .My the only current project is queued for release and currently these are only fragments of other moms them with 200
I wait until someone posts my park which exported
lmao, Im going to guess english isnt your first language
They look like giant pillows just incase someone falls of the ride, clearly an important safety measure.
Try to develop and finish your screens more, you will receive better and more useful feed back that way
How did you figure that out?
Take a look at this screen. What is there? Just some land with some paths and some rides and a HUGE load of slabs.
Is there any point in those slabs? No. They look repetitive and bad. You should put thought in what you create instead of throwing down a ton of slabs just because you think they should be there.
Surely after being on NE for some time, you should've seen other people's parks. Compare them to your work. Do they create parks that are nothing but miles of land, some oversupported rides, crappy fulltile architecture that lacks detailing and a few one tile paths?
No. They create more dense things, like, actual parks, with fuller landscaping and actual foliage, well designed and nicely supported rides, detailed smaller architecture, and even detailed paths.
I'd say to just copy them because if you keep on building boring weird things like this, you'll never get good ratings on them.
Find someone who inspires you. Look at their parks and get some ideas from them. Even copy it to understand how to do it.
Over time I think you will get your own ideas and get better.
EDIT: Actually read previous comments. I agree with Cocoa. Wouter, I understand your frustration but mean comments won't do any good.
Battle Boy, put more time into your screenshots. I know you want to show off your work, but it takes time and patience to build something (with detail) people are willing to view. It's not the amount of screenshots you put down that gets ratings, it's the quality of screenshots.
Put your BEST EFFORT into EVERYTHING you build. When you think you can do absolutely no better, then post your screenshot. You'll get feedback. Then you get to rebuild and go through the process all over again
Make your screenshots magical. Show us what you're capable of EVERY TIME. Not just once in blue moon.
I completely understand the frustration. I tried to simply my vocab - maybe there's a language barrier? Still, he has to see the difference between an expert's and his lol. I feel like he hasn't improved at all. There was one or two promising screenshots but that was it. :/