Screenshot / Colossus
12-October 15
Fred's Ultimate Coaster Kingdom
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- Comments 14
This classic wooden beast is an all-time favorite of true coaster fanatics for over 30 years. A double track means two trains can fly through this 809 meter-long run at the same time, so climb aboard either Colossus Red or Colossus Blue and prepare for the race of a lifetime. Side by side and simultaneously, the Red and Blue trains begin their assent up the lift hill. No matter which side you’re on, you’ll first have to climb up 21 meter.
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This seems a little stale and flat compared to your other work. Adding more color and atmosphere could really improve this, there's is just to much grey currently.
It seems you're basing this off the Racer at KI, which isn't the most dazzling or exciting area sure, but it does have a distinct atmosphere and style, which I dont really feel here. Maybe change the path type to the cena path or bricks and go from there.
Put something underneath the rooves that are the same red color so that the colors underneath don't leak through. Unless you like that.
But great work on getting the stations and lines and exits to all work well. It is a bit flat but in the grand scheme of things it looks nice to me.
Agree about the staleness, it might be because of the dull red that you used or the tarmac queue. For some reason the standard tarmac just doesn't do enough in large-ish areas, it has to be the colourable one for it to not look quite as dead. I'm also not a fan of how you've shoehorned the queue lines right next to the path [it's a problem with the single-tile different between flat and stairs] so maybe spreading those out a little more would help.
I'm confused. So I enter under the Colossus sign, but that leads me to the exit? How do I get on this ride? And as Stoksy said, the queue shouldn't be shoehorned into the path.
EDIT: OK, I see the entrances to the queues now. However, I think it needs to be more obvious that the entrances are to the sides. As a guest, I would assume I go under the sign to go on the ride.
The queue cover is great, reminds me of the racers at Kings Island
I think this area just needs little more love, and a splash of FredD magic and you'd be all set!
Looking good, keep it up Fredje!
it would make so much more sense to have the queues go through that center building and have the exit paths be on the side. You could easily modify the zigzag part to work for this too
Considering the great feedback I had to adjust things. The grey path was making it look rather dull, so I changed the path type which helps the atmosphere a lot. I also put some yellow flowers in front of the queues to add in some more color. I get the confusion about the exit/entrance. Cocoa's suggestion makes much sense, switching the the queue with the exit.
But to do that I have to redo the invisible hut hack twice again, which is quite a lot of work. Work that is not worth the time doing so in my opinion. So I put an arrow before the queues entrance to show where the people must go. I also placed ports at the exit, so it would become more clear that's not an entrance.
Still think this would help
Looks way better though!
Yeah I'll fix that later. That's not a big issue to solve.
See if you can get rid of the clipping with the path and bridge supports over the track somehow, other than that this is a massive improvement.
looks just like the old SFMM Colussus station, although the queues were in the middle, with exits on the outside iirc?
also >_> that image name
I'd replace the ramps with stairs, the inclined path looks pretty weird being that brick type. This definitely livens the whole thing up, but honestly I like the old one more. I think the tarmac worked better.
It's still a pretty impressive area though, makes me want to make my own mega-station.