Screenshot / RMC trains on IBox track
24-September 15
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This is as far as I got with yesterday's experiments into rendering new track sprites before I ran into difficulties and had to stop. The trains are unchanged from the last screenshot I posted, but now they're running on the proper track. I never got round to doing proper chain lift sprites, so I just duplicated the gentle slope - that's why the lift appears to have no chain.
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The corkscrew coaster uses the same track as the hyper, so yes. And yes, you can easily enable all track flags on a DAT file with minimal effort, but this won't give you track pieces the game doesn't have sprites for, only those that were deliberately excluded from the DAT. As far as I'm aware, on the corkscrew coaster the only piece this gives you is the steep-to-flat.
On the hypercoaster, it would give you inversions, but then the hypercoaster train doesn't have sprites for them so it glitches.
Also, sometimes the game doesn't allow you to run the ride because of the missing sprites. Strange thing is it's unpredictable whether it will or it won't - it's not that every element that you don't have sprites for won't work - sometimes it just means glitchy trains.
Also, sometimes you can't enable track pieces even if the game does have the sprites, because there's actually two different track styles even though they don't share sprites. For example, dive machine track shares the sprites of the twister track but is considered distinct - there's no way to enable inversions (which was annoying when I did my dive machine)/
Actually, it's easy to get the steep to flat on a Corkscrew Coaster. I just tested it out. Just use 8 Cars to change the train type to one of the Hyper Coasters (B&M or Arrow, doesn't matter), build your piece, then change the trains back to Corkscrew.
Is there anyway you could render sprites for the flagged track pieces with missing sprites? Not sure how many there are in game, but it would be an interesting experiment. Sure the rendering would be very difficult to get it to match up correctly, but it still would be worth a try I think.
The problem is that the sprites are hardcoded. There's nothing in the DAT file that says "use this sprite for loops". I can replace existing sprites, but if I want to add new elements to a track style, I have to alter the code so that the game knows that that track now has sprites for the extra pieces. That's probably possible, and inthemanual said just now that he thought the OpenRCT2 guys were working on it. With my knowledge of the game's internals (which is virtually none) I thought it would be very hard, but OpenRCT2 seems to be coming a long incredibly rapidly, and it's possible they've got further than I thought they had. Once the relevant code is reverse engineered, it becomes easier to change it, and then it's just a matter or rendering the sprites.
I think it would probably be easier to render all-new sprites than to try and make new sprites match the existing ones - I found out when I did the peep model that matching existing sprites is very hard - and my peeps still aren't a perfect match to the originals.
It's the massive steep to flat from the hypercoaster, it's 4 tiles long, not 1, and it's not in LL
If you replace a track type, example - get rid of the B&M in place of Arrow. Is it easy to reverse? So what im asking is could have it in select parks that dont use a B&M coaster, and then when you want to build B&M just switch it back
If you keep a backup of your original g1.dat, reversing it is as easy as restoring the backup. If you don't keep a backup, you'll need to reinstall the game or try and find a download for g1.dat somewhere. I have a backup of my entire installation for this purpose - I would recommend it if you're going to be altering graphics. Even if you do intend to keep the changes, it's easy to muck it up and end up with a corrupt file.
Also note that the graphics in g1.dat are used globally - they are not specific to a park. If I restore the original g1.dat and then open this park again, all the rides will be back on twister track. You can't replace track styles on a per-park basis.
Is there a patch that removes all flags? That would be sooo cool.
Couldn't you just replace the floorless sprites with the I-Box sprites and make a new floorless train DAT for the twister track? or vice versa. You wouldn't really be losing anything by losing the floorless track. Plus, then you could get booster track on a floorless coaster.
The floorless, twister, stand up twister and hyper twister coasters all share the same track style (0x33). Moreover, all the game's B&M coasters share the same set track sprites. Therefore, this replacement affects every B&M ride in the game. If you wanted to use this track, you really have to find a track you're prepared to completely lose to replace with it.
Also, there's no patch that I'm aware of to set all track flags, but I could probably create a short script to do it if you want. But bear in mind that there are very few rides for which it's truly useful - for most rides, the track pieces that are removed by flags are those that the trains don't have sprites for, and for many rides there are no track pieces excluded by flags, so you'd only get a couple of track pieces at most not excluded. Also, if you set OpenRCT2 to group rides by track style, then AFAIK it ignores the flags in the DAT, which has the same effect as setting all of them.
That's incredible. IDK what else to say. Very interesting.
Yeah, i figured that out already.