Screenshot / Göteborgs Stad
10-September 15
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I've decided to work a little while longer on this project.
My plan was to have this park submitted by now, but i want this park to be as good as possible before it's released. I would probably regret myself if it was released too soon.
I have to redo some parts, improve the architecture and give the park the foliage it deserves. I've also been working on the surroundings a little bit.
Thank you all for your helpful input so far! -
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The zebra crossings aren't good enough, btw. You should find another solution.
Story of my life... great stuff though. lol
I love your style
I'd much rather see road line objects being used to outline the parking spaces in the middle of the screen than just path like that. Also, the tiles where the tram track lie are very blank, kind of stands out and seems unfinished. Maybe just change the color of the land tiles or add something that would make it feel a little more finished.
Btw the little door to the roof is brilliant. .. why haven't i seem that before
Good choice, deciding to polish it off before submission. A discipline which, I imagine, many lack. Everything here looks great to me though. Detailed right up to the edge of the map without looking cramped, rushed or just filler. Very nice!
well done for continuing on it rather than submitting it. this looks amazing.
this looks really good. very realistic. I'm excited for the release!
Nothing wrong with upgrading the park before submitting, as long as you don't do it Baker Laker syle
This screen, on it's own, does'nt seem spotlight to me. Some of the archy is rather bland and flat (tho understandable due to the source material. But, I believe that as long as the park itself is very well done and quite large, you can do it.
@Liampie – Thank you. Yes, you’re right. I should. There are about 18500 objects left to use. I wanted to use them to paint the ground black, but I guess it’s better to use them to improve weak areas inside and outside the park instead.
Thank you for pointing the zebra crossings out. Maybe there is a better alternative.
@Coasterbill -
@wheres_walto – Thank you very much!
@G Force – You’re absolutely right about the line objects. I wasn’t smart enough to pick them while playing in scenario editor. Is there any way i could get them in there without going back to SE? That would be great.
@Chocotopian – Thank you.
@Louis! – I’m glad you told me to think hard before submitting it. I appreciate that!
@thirteen – Thanks, I’m glad you like it.
@FredD – Sorry, I’ve never heard of Baker Laker style before(?) What is that?
@Austin55 – I’m the first person to agree with you.
There is still plenty of room for improvement. My archy ”skills” are quite low at the moment.
I meant that upgrading is good as long as you don't keep upgrading and keep upgrading... Baker Lake is a park from Coupon which imo is finished, but he keeps upgrading and changing things.