that was a great idea with the monorails, although I'm not sure it works as well here. everythin gis a bit samey and generic.
btw I think the way I did peepable paths in Wild West worked better, although I only did it with brown dirt so it may be hard to tell. Instead of using codex, I built everything like I would before laying peeps down. Then I raised all path 150 or so units using map object manipulation (in 4cars), built the peep paths, and then lowered the high ones again. I think that may have reduced some of that edged path stuff you see here (then again, maybe not, but worth a test)
I like it, but it's not on par with your previous work. It feels too simple for that. Too little variation, too little detail, not enough features to make exploring the screen a rewarding experience. And because everything looks the same, the monorail looks out of place. It goes for your other screen too, too simple. you should push your boundaries more! Aim for the moon!
needs some variety, but I like how you're playing with colors
that was a great idea with the monorails, although I'm not sure it works as well here. everythin gis a bit samey and generic.
btw I think the way I did peepable paths in Wild West worked better, although I only did it with brown dirt so it may be hard to tell. Instead of using codex, I built everything like I would before laying peeps down. Then I raised all path 150 or so units using map object manipulation (in 4cars), built the peep paths, and then lowered the high ones again. I think that may have reduced some of that edged path stuff you see here (then again, maybe not, but worth a test)
Yeah, it's all too samey. What's the inspiration behind this?
I like the hanging monorail train thing, but what exactly is it supposed to represent?