I'd change up your trees for sure, the colors seem off and the actual trees themselves aren't that great. Something that's super important in a RCT rec is making choices between looking good in the game and being true to the real thing. In this case, better looking trees would probably add a lot more to this than "realistic" trees. Maybe look at some other parks to see what kinds of trees and colors they use in their trees.
Other than that the blue building is nicely done, I've never been to Knoebels but this should be a cool project to see grow and progress.
The trees are way too organized, kill the fences around them and just have them coming straight through the path. It doesn't have that Knoebels feel right now.
Also you have great taste in parks... like seriously.
Thanks for the pointers G Force, I had issues when picking trees and how to place them.
Coasterbill, you're exactly right about the trees, in most areas of that park they're surrounded by gravel, so I'll be sure to change this so they grow straight through the paths. And thanks, I grew up going to this park, so many awesome memories. Still trying to decide whether I want to model out the new coasters (Flying Turns/Impulse) or throw it back with Whirlwind.
A Knoebels recreation?!?! That is the coolest thing ever. I grew up in Pennsylvania and went there multiple times a summer. A lot of fond memories there and it's great to see the park getting some RCT2 love.
If you can consistently build the park at this level then you'll do a fine job on it. I like to think I know the park inside and out so if you need some recreation advice just message me.
And I'm torn, Whirlwind was my first steel coaster ever but Flying Turns is one-of-a-kind. Too bad they occupy(ed) the same place in the park. Just paint the kiddie coaster white and call it the "High Speed Thrill Coaster" and I'll be happy.
As my first trip into the world of making serious parks, I've decided to recreate my favorite park of all time, Knoebels. This is the first screenshot, of the Grand Carousel and Alamo restaurant near the middle of the park
I'd change up your trees for sure, the colors seem off and the actual trees themselves aren't that great. Something that's super important in a RCT rec is making choices between looking good in the game and being true to the real thing. In this case, better looking trees would probably add a lot more to this than "realistic" trees. Maybe look at some other parks to see what kinds of trees and colors they use in their trees.
Other than that the blue building is nicely done, I've never been to Knoebels but this should be a cool project to see grow and progress.
The trees are way too organized, kill the fences around them and just have them coming straight through the path. It doesn't have that Knoebels feel right now.
Also you have great taste in parks... like seriously.
Thanks for the pointers G Force, I had issues when picking trees and how to place them.
Coasterbill, you're exactly right about the trees, in most areas of that park they're surrounded by gravel, so I'll be sure to change this so they grow straight through the paths. And thanks, I grew up going to this park, so many awesome memories. Still trying to decide whether I want to model out the new coasters (Flying Turns/Impulse) or throw it back with Whirlwind.
If you can consistently build the park at this level then you'll do a fine job on it. I like to think I know the park inside and out so if you need some recreation advice just message me.
And I'm torn, Whirlwind was my first steel coaster ever but Flying Turns is one-of-a-kind. Too bad they occupy(ed) the same place in the park. Just paint the kiddie coaster white and call it the "High Speed Thrill Coaster" and I'll be happy.
Fuck Whirlwind.