Screenshot / Part of the Mainstreet


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Austin55%s's Photo

    Every screen you post is better than the last. 


    That yellow building is an eyesore though, its so bright and yellow that it really distracts from how nice the two on the right side are.

  • csw%s's Photo

    I like the yellow. It's unique. 

  • ida%s's Photo

    Very nice!

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo
    Excellent work. You're improving at an incredible pace.
  • PizzaWurscht%s's Photo

    i agree with with all , but give the yellow one another yellow or something. keep it up

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    I don't mind the yellow. Good to see that you're taking feedback on board and improving very quickly, also it's not flat!


    I'd reconsider your planter though, it should be a lot more manicured and clean compared to what you have now. Either go with tall trees or flowers, something in between doesn't really work in my opinion.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    yellow is fine, yelllow+tan is not. Its definitely detracting from the nicer stuff you have going in the turqoise building.

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