Screenshot / Heatherthrow Overview
- 14-August 15
- Views 2,045
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- Comments 10
Year 156 overview. Trying to find the motivation to finish this park up. I need ideas of what could fill up the huge space in the middle. I'm also thinking about removing the giant GCI since it creates an awkward dead end at Vitesse ( Renamed and colored Affreux)
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][ntamin22 Offline
I'm hyped for that suspended in the back
SlayMeGaga Offline
Louis! Offline
It's looking to be a great park. Looking forward to it
A.J. Offline
Faas Offline
Roomie Offline
Anyone else see the link to this screen and think it was an airport?
Turns out it's not. Looks good but tough to see detail from here.
navalin Offline
The purple and orange one at the bottom looks pretty brutal. I don't think in a necessarily good way (is it really just a lot of high speed turns?). The rest looks awesome though.
A.J. Offline
Louis! Offline
I'd say it was a good layout for what it is meant to portray, it's not AJ's fault that Intamin design bad coasters haha
navalin Offline