Strange... despite being on the coast, the "WW is horrible' shitstorm hasn't arrived... Why hasn't this been rated a 5 and trampled by 20 different members yet?
Honestly I'm glad someone else is messing around on these scenarios because it's at least not monotonous. Foliage is your friend.
I'm happy that I can get a comment and it's not negative!
You got a 23% rating with your screen and I got zero, so maybe it's more horrible than yours but people don't want to "attack" me with words because I'm not a big fan of WW/TT like you?
About the scenario, it looks terrible when I open it..So I have used a lot of time deleting/rebuilding. The asian foliage in WW is especially hard to use!
I will play some TT scenario too, havn't touched them many years!
well it looks actually quite nice. you really toned down the colors and made it work. I like its, its different, but nice. the scenario before of course gives one instant eyecancer.
Because whilst the objects are horrible, they aren't as horrible, at least they are presented in a decent way and so it doesn't look half as bad.
Your screen jag was made with really bad objects, and it wasn't constructed well either (because it was scenario fun play I assume) and generally, after pioneering a WW/TT love movement, you posted a screen that proved you entirely wrong, thats why people jumped on your screen.
While true, the reason is still a huge load of crock. I'm sorry but 'That's terrible, I'll prove him wrong' is a pretty pathetic and outright petty motive.
You can dismiss the screen for being a gargantuan mess but it would be unlikely to receive a 5 if you were to post it. Do not even try to deny that statement... this site isn't a veil of ignorance.
Now concerning the screen, keep posting WW/TT screens, I always thought this scenario had a lot of potential.
While true, the reason is still a huge load of crock. I'm sorry but 'That's terrible, I'll prove him wrong' is a pretty pathetic and outright petty motive.
You can dismiss the screen for being a gargantuan mess but it would be unlikely to receive a 5 if you were to post it. Do not even try to deny that statement... this site isn't a veil of ignorance.
On the screen, not a fan. I think the fences in particular are horrible. The banner at the top and the giant gong are also strong contenders for worst object ever.
Well thanks, honestly I feel really bad about someone rate something he will never download depends on what object it used. I feel that the community is mocking me because I played a taboo WW scenario, it's like you spend several hours building something and people judge it as shit because they don't like some certain objects. For me a 22% is ridiculous.
I don't want to be a protector of WW/TT, and I won't be involed in the WW/TT argument anymore. But I'm very disappointed at some very subjective point of view.
Well thanks, honestly I feel really bad about someone rate something he will never download depends on what object it used. I feel that the community is mocking me because I played a taboo WW scenario, it's like you spend several hours building something and people judge it as shit because they don't like some certain objects. For me a 22% is ridiculous.
Well, I can download it, but as I don't have the add-ons I won't be able to see it ingame. Thing is, most NE members agree, that WW/TT doesn't add much to the game in terms of objects, style, etc. Btw, I had people telling me that I build shit in the past, so I got my fair share of that. Just remember: This game is about how good something looks, and for this screen 22% aren't "ridiculous".
The vote is low not because of the objects. The screen, quite frankly, isn't that good.
On top of that, yes the objects are bad, and considering this is a game where quality is often based on how good something looks, if you use shitty objects that look bad, you will get a bad score, because it looks bad.
You can't build something crap and then blame the fact people don't like the objects. If people don't like the objects, and rightfully so, they aren't going to like things made out of those objects.
I'm sorry, but in this case you just have to deal with it. Like we used to have to years ago. I never signed up to this site for fear of not being good enough and being shat upon. You guys have it so much easier, just deal with the fact that you spent time building something and people don't like it.
Version1, I'm not sure about the game being solely about how good it looks. This screen is actually less of an eye-watering assault than Milliville Park Water Works yet has a third the rating. There's also a healthy amount of post-modern and abstract parks that lack aesthetic value yet receive high-ratings.
And Louis!, are you sure 'you guys have it so much easier' is really the best justification? Just as you have a right to dislike the image, he has a right to defend it. We're not in kindergarten.
Everyone needs to be a bit more flexible in terms of rating... people need to stop caring whether a deco-block is missing or it the roof looks better as dark tan rather than light brown. Get out of the cave and look at the big picture.
I'm not saying he hasn't a right to defend it, but if the general consencus is that something is shit, it's most likely shit, and if you wish to improve, take on board the reasons why it is shit and improve, if you don't then be prepared to have to continue to defend yourself.
This is just a game, but this is a fan site, an elite fansite, dedicated to being the very best at the game, so yeah, we take it seriously, if you don't want to, find somewhere like reddit, where you will be more accepted as it is less serious.
I am looking at the bigger picture. This has nothing to do with there being deco-blocks missing or a roof being better in another colour. This screen is crap, that is the bigger picture.
And this site is based on trying to help people improve to be the very best and get the best quality, sometimes that includes telling people to change the colour of a roof. That is what we are here for, that is what NE is and always will be and you very much know that Jaguar, so don't preach as if NE has changed and we all need to lighten up, if you don't like it here and how we are, then leave. Don't accuse us of taking a game serious when that is the whole point of the website.
^ Reddit actually seems to adore WW/TT for whatever reason.
This screen doesn't seem to have anything interesting going on. there's a building with some random track pieces around, and a random monorail going into the ground. I don't understand how this really fits into a park, or really what the structure is for.
Sorry, I don't want to blame anyone or defend anything. So please stop the arguments about it.
I just say what I feel. Yes, I still think it's a ridiculors rating despite of ww objects, I know it's crappy in your eyes, but is it that crappy can only got a 20%? I feel bad because look back at other's screen, some more crappy work get a higher rating. So I can't understand the standard of the rating, or we may share a different aesthetic taste. But I'm not persuading or begging anyone to change it. I have selected to post a screen so of course it should be commented and rated as others like.
Hmmm, I think after posting something, I can't get many constructive suggestions to improve myself on this site (is "don't use ww objects" a good suggestion? maybe yes). People keep on telling me "it's good/bad" without reason (for example, the roof is bad, but no one tell me how to change it), "it's something I don't understand and there's nothing interesting" and "it reminds me of xxx". It's a pity that I don't share the same aesthetic taste with some experts/elites here. Maybe I have a weird aesthetic taste and it's really hard to force myself to reach the community standard (and no one tell me how to improve..) that's all.
Strange... despite being on the coast, the "WW is horrible' shitstorm hasn't arrived... Why hasn't this been rated a 5 and trampled by 20 different members yet?
Honestly I'm glad someone else is messing around on these scenarios because it's at least not monotonous. Foliage is your friend.
I'm happy that I can get a comment and it's not negative!
You got a 23% rating with your screen and I got zero, so maybe it's more horrible than yours but people don't want to "attack" me with words because I'm not a big fan of WW/TT like you?
I will play some TT scenario too, havn't touched them many years!
well it looks actually quite nice. you really toned down the colors and made it work. I like its, its different, but nice. the scenario before of course gives one instant eyecancer.
Because whilst the objects are horrible, they aren't as horrible, at least they are presented in a decent way and so it doesn't look half as bad.
Your screen jag was made with really bad objects, and it wasn't constructed well either (because it was scenario fun play I assume) and generally, after pioneering a WW/TT love movement, you posted a screen that proved you entirely wrong, thats why people jumped on your screen.
@ Louis!
While true, the reason is still a huge load of crock. I'm sorry but 'That's terrible, I'll prove him wrong' is a pretty pathetic and outright petty motive.
You can dismiss the screen for being a gargantuan mess but it would be unlikely to receive a 5 if you were to post it. Do not even try to deny that statement... this site isn't a veil of ignorance.
Now concerning the screen, keep posting WW/TT screens, I always thought this scenario had a lot of potential.
The Asian objects are definitely the best of the bunch, except the large roof, it looks awful with that weird T shape in the tiles.
On the screen, not a fan. I think the fences in particular are horrible. The banner at the top and the giant gong are also strong contenders for worst object ever.
lol of course I will finish the scenario, but I won't post anything WW/TT on this site. People hate it.
Well, I mean I don't have anything against someone documenting the building of a park I will never download.
Well, I can download it, but as I don't have the add-ons I won't be able to see it ingame. Thing is, most NE members agree, that WW/TT doesn't add much to the game in terms of objects, style, etc. Btw, I had people telling me that I build shit in the past, so I got my fair share of that. Just remember: This game is about how good something looks, and for this screen 22% aren't "ridiculous".
The vote is low not because of the objects. The screen, quite frankly, isn't that good.
On top of that, yes the objects are bad, and considering this is a game where quality is often based on how good something looks, if you use shitty objects that look bad, you will get a bad score, because it looks bad.
You can't build something crap and then blame the fact people don't like the objects. If people don't like the objects, and rightfully so, they aren't going to like things made out of those objects.
I'm sorry, but in this case you just have to deal with it. Like we used to have to years ago. I never signed up to this site for fear of not being good enough and being shat upon. You guys have it so much easier, just deal with the fact that you spent time building something and people don't like it.
You guys take the game a little too seriously...
Version1, I'm not sure about the game being solely about how good it looks. This screen is actually less of an eye-watering assault than Milliville Park Water Works yet has a third the rating. There's also a healthy amount of post-modern and abstract parks that lack aesthetic value yet receive high-ratings.
And Louis!, are you sure 'you guys have it so much easier' is really the best justification? Just as you have a right to dislike the image, he has a right to defend it. We're not in kindergarten.
Everyone needs to be a bit more flexible in terms of rating... people need to stop caring whether a deco-block is missing or it the roof looks better as dark tan rather than light brown. Get out of the cave and look at the big picture.
I'm not saying he hasn't a right to defend it, but if the general consencus is that something is shit, it's most likely shit, and if you wish to improve, take on board the reasons why it is shit and improve, if you don't then be prepared to have to continue to defend yourself.
This is just a game, but this is a fan site, an elite fansite, dedicated to being the very best at the game, so yeah, we take it seriously, if you don't want to, find somewhere like reddit, where you will be more accepted as it is less serious.
I am looking at the bigger picture. This has nothing to do with there being deco-blocks missing or a roof being better in another colour. This screen is crap, that is the bigger picture.
And this site is based on trying to help people improve to be the very best and get the best quality, sometimes that includes telling people to change the colour of a roof. That is what we are here for, that is what NE is and always will be and you very much know that Jaguar, so don't preach as if NE has changed and we all need to lighten up, if you don't like it here and how we are, then leave. Don't accuse us of taking a game serious when that is the whole point of the website.
^ Reddit actually seems to adore WW/TT for whatever reason.
This screen doesn't seem to have anything interesting going on. there's a building with some random track pieces around, and a random monorail going into the ground. I don't understand how this really fits into a park, or really what the structure is for.