The thatched fence look is amazing. Raft loading station is a little glitchy, and I think the ruined/overgrown look of the base of the structures is at odds with the serene cleanliness of the roofs. Maybe add some hanging shrubs/vines? Don't make it look like it's falling apart, but make it thematically consistent.
I don't like the way you guys react to screens like this. This is clearly his own work. We all know that he used BGA as inspiration, you can see it, but to me that's okay. He used some similar aspects and ideas, however its not a copy. Its almost like when a screen/park like this comes along, everyone rates it lower in their mindbecause of the source of inspiration, like it takes away from the work.
I think its okay to use other parks as inspiration. I look at BGA or other parks of that quality and get inspired, I want to build something like that myself. I have a entire folder of other peoples creations on my PC, and before I build something on my own save files I usually take a look in there. Not copy it, just use is as inspiration or even base my stuff off of it. Or I open Google maps/images and take a look at real world locations
Is there a difference between using NE builders creations as inspiration, and using real life parks or places? I don't think there is. STARPOINT is based off of Cedar Fair. Six Flags parks are based off of six flags parks. BGA believe it or not is based off of Bush Gardens. Pac shouldn't hold a monopoly on Cedar Fair stuff, nor should any other builder hold the rights to a real world place.
Im not trying to take shots at any members here, just voice an opinion. Good screen Pizza, really like the queue line There’s my 2 cents
Pretty sure everyone was being sarcastic with the references to BGA, its not like 99% of NE already copied and passed down from generation to generation.
Of course everything is used as inspiration, that's art in a nutshell.
"This is clearly his own work". I wouldn't say that... If this was an anonymous screenshot, I wouldn't be able to tell who made this really - is it Robbie's? Or is it Shotguns? Or is it...?
Things lose individuality and unique touch when imitation starts to look exactly like another player's work. That's why my favorite builders are people like Turtle, FK, Cocoa, Xcoaster, etc. because they have their individual style and immediately upon seeing a screen I know that player built it. It's their unique view of how to construct something beautiful.
Also, copying from real life is different than copying from other players, because it's the process of translating the real life source imagery into the game that is part of the creative building process that is inherent in the game.
That said, this is a beautiful screen. It just resembles other work so much that I can't tell who built it, which is why we make sarcastic comments about it.
You said: "I have an entire folder of other people creations on my PC... not copy it, just use it as inspiration or even base my stuff off it". So where do you draw the line between copying vs. inspiration? This is a genuine question that comes up in art all the time, it's just as applicable here.
Copying from other players- dissecting what they do/build and how they compose- gets your skill up dramatically and is possibly the quickest way of doing so. If I hadn't ripped rob and pac's buildings so many times, I doubt that I wouldn't be anywhere near good today.
However, it comes at a price. Originality. When you copy a person so much, parts and pieces of their building style become ingrained into yours. Eventually, all your "style" will be is some bastardization rehash of others that came and built before you.
I like the idea for the partly open station but it looks way to flimsy for me. The main problem is, as Rob mentioned, that you're using the exact same shade of brown for everything so things that shouldn't blend in are doing exactly that. It's just becoming a mish-mash of texture without any colour differentiation.
I'd also maybe reconsider the mess of foliage on the right.
Too brown yes but also way too messy. The rapids platform looks like it's part of the structure for example and the diagonal passage makes zero sense architecturally. The area behind clashes really badly too. Nice bridges I suppose?
A way to messy imo. I agree that you could use other browns to break it up more. A little bit of the darker green in the foilage would also be nice imo.
There's a lot of borrowed motifs from BGA here. But then again, this is also clearly in your own style.
You break up the brown really well. The water and the black roofs i think really help that.
Yeh it feels differen enough from BGA, especcially the roofs. But I do hope you go in a more original direction later on.
Your work is fantastic and you were one of the coolest players during H2h, glad to be able to be on the same team
Ahahahaha, this is coming from you?
The thatched fence look is amazing. Raft loading station is a little glitchy, and I think the ruined/overgrown look of the base of the structures is at odds with the serene cleanliness of the roofs. Maybe add some hanging shrubs/vines? Don't make it look like it's falling apart, but make it thematically consistent.
I know right. The leader of the Robbie / PC mimics.
if you're gonna do the dirty work and copy robbie92, you best do it right.
I feel like there could be more touches of other browns mixed in to help offset that dull brown.
Also, the thumbnail made me think I made this for a second.
I think its okay to use other parks as inspiration. I look at BGA or other parks of that quality and get inspired, I want to build something like that myself. I have a entire folder of other peoples creations on my PC, and before I build something on my own save files I usually take a look in there. Not copy it, just use is as inspiration or even base my stuff off of it. Or I open Google maps/images and take a look at real world locations
Is there a difference between using NE builders creations as inspiration, and using real life parks or places? I don't think there is. STARPOINT is based off of Cedar Fair. Six Flags parks are based off of six flags parks. BGA believe it or not is based off of Bush Gardens. Pac shouldn't hold a monopoly on Cedar Fair stuff, nor should any other builder hold the rights to a real world place.
Im not trying to take shots at any members here, just voice an opinion. Good screen Pizza, really like the queue line There’s my 2 cents
Imitation is the highest form of flattery..
Pretty sure everyone was being sarcastic with the references to BGA, its not like 99% of NE already copied and passed down from generation to generation.
Of course everything is used as inspiration, that's art in a nutshell.
"This is clearly his own work". I wouldn't say that... If this was an anonymous screenshot, I wouldn't be able to tell who made this really - is it Robbie's? Or is it Shotguns? Or is it...?
Things lose individuality and unique touch when imitation starts to look exactly like another player's work. That's why my favorite builders are people like Turtle, FK, Cocoa, Xcoaster, etc. because they have their individual style and immediately upon seeing a screen I know that player built it. It's their unique view of how to construct something beautiful.
Also, copying from real life is different than copying from other players, because it's the process of translating the real life source imagery into the game that is part of the creative building process that is inherent in the game.
That said, this is a beautiful screen. It just resembles other work so much that I can't tell who built it, which is why we make sarcastic comments about it.
You said: "I have an entire folder of other people creations on my PC... not copy it, just use it as inspiration or even base my stuff off it". So where do you draw the line between copying vs. inspiration? This is a genuine question that comes up in art all the time, it's just as applicable here.
Copying from other players- dissecting what they do/build and how they compose- gets your skill up dramatically and is possibly the quickest way of doing so. If I hadn't ripped rob and pac's buildings so many times, I doubt that I wouldn't be anywhere near good today.
However, it comes at a price. Originality. When you copy a person so much, parts and pieces of their building style become ingrained into yours. Eventually, all your "style" will be is some bastardization rehash of others that came and built before you.
I like the idea for the partly open station but it looks way to flimsy for me. The main problem is, as Rob mentioned, that you're using the exact same shade of brown for everything so things that shouldn't blend in are doing exactly that. It's just becoming a mish-mash of texture without any colour differentiation.
I'd also maybe reconsider the mess of foliage on the right.
so nice the level of details is overall so big ....nice work. how long do you work for this?
Too brown yes but also way too messy. The rapids platform looks like it's part of the structure for example and the diagonal passage makes zero sense architecturally. The area behind clashes really badly too. Nice bridges I suppose?
A way to messy imo. I agree that you could use other browns to break it up more. A little bit of the darker green in the foilage would also be nice imo.
I like the right part of this screen but the right part not so much.