Screenshot / Casa de los Muertos
07-July 15
Enchanted Garden: Adventure Studios
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- Comments 13
I just passed my p2 presentation, which means that after all these years my graduation is finally within my grasp as I am allowed to start my final semester after the summer.
I am in a giving mood, so here is my Fiesta de los Muertos area, which is part of the wildwest zone. A restaurant set in the orchard and an arena for luchador battles!
A day to honor the dead, which is a good time to do it, as it is almost a year ago my father passed away.
Today, we celebrate! -
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Awesome screen man.
So good. Those magnolia trees are perfect here.
Best use of magnolias I can remember. Dense in the middle, but plenty of room to breath on the outside; awesome composition.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I actually was blocking out of some bits, but while doing that I just said, screw it, you get it all in its proper context. I just recently finished up the last of this area and what remains is to wrap-up the last part of the mine train and water ride which is on the opposite side of the path.
It was truly tricky to get this area done and to get everything to fit into a quite cramped space, considering my details scale is limited to quarter tiles. Even more so when you consider anything you built becomes chaotic very fast, because I don't have complete sets of roofs for instance, which adds 'detail' on its own, which is not always very handy because you easily overload it, when you rather have detail in different spots.
The missing parts in the mill are actually intentionally missing as it is supposed to be slightly rickity. The mill is definately the element that puts the cherry on top of the area. At first there would be 'just' a tower, but I'm glad I found this solution.
All in all I'm very proud of this area. You all have to wait for release (whenever that is xD) to see the coaster though as I want to keep some surprises.
Holy shit, you're still building on this park?! That alone is Spotlight worthy imo
Very nice. Very neat. Very warm.
I'd complain about that peach-colored NCSO roof because I don't like that roof but... who cares?
I also really like that little palm tree in the lower left for some reason...
This looks like a park I would absolutely love.
I like to think so
Yeah, I build on it once every blue moon, just only when I feel like it. That said I'm a bit in a more finishing mood with a lot of stuff in my life, so that means I'm hopeful for EGAS. Still have a week before I depart to a tropical island for vacation, so who knows.
Brilliant stuff. Really glad to see this theme being worked on again.