Amazing. Very smart theme realisation. On the verge of being messy. Still your work is what I've been longing for in LL for years.
On the cafe tables in the bottom right of the screen, rebuild the paths, both bottom and top, with the yellow supports enabled. I find this looks much better. Confer to old LL parks for comparison (Fatha).
I might suggest a different coaster color, one that sticks out a bit more.
^I agree. Try yellow for the track. That'll match the flowers and those poles (?) to the right of the screen.
Love the haphazard architecture it just needs some brightening up in places. Painting the coaster yellow is a good shout.
Amazing. Very smart theme realisation. On the verge of being messy. Still your work is what I've been longing for in LL for years.
On the cafe tables in the bottom right of the screen, rebuild the paths, both bottom and top, with the yellow supports enabled. I find this looks much better. Confer to old LL parks for comparison (Fatha).
old school Twisted
I like this a lot, gritty but with room to breathe. Maybe add another fence besides the jungle type in to give an accent to all the brown.