The actual map was started in 2008, but I directly reused some content from an earlier Ikaros design project. Which makes the oldest content on the map from 2007! 8 years already... So, so depressing.
Not to derail the topic though. That screen is fantastic and probably the top dutch work on NE thus far, probably beating out paul. Your composition is still brilliant and captures the feeling of Bologna well while maintaining an impressive level of detail. I wanna build PT2 bench stuff with you.
Yes. If you told me I wouldn't have a second spotlight by 2015 when Legacies got released, I wouldn't believe it. I started planning Legacies 2 as soon as the first one was done, but it never got out of the testing phase. For the rest there was Eftel Towers 2 a few years ago, but that ended up as a design. Escapists Experience got close, but that's LL and was never intended to be a spotlight anyway, it got close by accident. I don't think my other LL parks will make it either. Now the only large scale park I have in the works is Seaquarium, but that's a small park on a large map so I don't know if it will qualify... But I do want to make a proper park again, on the level and with the style of Lijiang and Tenochtitlan, but I want to get rid of my smaller projects first. And that's how it's been going for five years now. The same fucking projects too. I can't clean out the closet somehow.
I want to finish the projects I started. I started those projects because I thought they were a good idea, and therefore I'm a bit emotional invested in them, if you know what I mean. Releasing Japan and Tabhoorland was a painful acknowledgement, in that regard. The projects I'm currently working on have a realistic chance at being finished though, unlike Japan and Tabhoorland, hence why I'm not dumping them for a park I don't have concrete plans for yet.
Budapest is high up my list, I think I'll give it the final push this summer.
I'd say it's the other way around. Same level, different style. The architecture is similar and built during the same period, but Budapest is an actual city whereas this is theming.
I see what you're saying, I suppose. The screens you've showed in them made sure that all the buildings had a purpose, most of them non-themepark. Unless, of course, you think a brothel is a good idea for Six Flags...
One of my favorite theme zones I've seen in RCT2.
Nooooo this isn't 5 years old is it?
One of my all-time favorite parks...
Never realized you started blykak this early...
Do you think it's time for another spotlight?
Not to derail the topic though. That screen is fantastic and probably the top dutch work on NE thus far, probably beating out paul. Your composition is still brilliant and captures the feeling of Bologna well while maintaining an impressive level of detail. I wanna build PT2 bench stuff with you.
I'd be a hypocrite if I told you that you don't need to finish every project you start, but hey.
Budapest is high up my list, I think I'll give it the final push this summer.
Budapest looks really nice. Kind of in this style but not to the level of it, IMO. Prolly gold level when you finish it though.
I see what you're saying, I suppose. The screens you've showed in them made sure that all the buildings had a purpose, most of them non-themepark. Unless, of course, you think a brothel is a good idea for Six Flags...
not fair that you get to throwback to a spotlight
im excited for this mysterious budapest thing, top city
Woah..... nice