Screenshot / #tbf Parc Asterix
- 05-June 15
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- Comments 10
Yeah I know I'm late, was busy on Friday. Blame it on time zones if you want
maybe someone remembers this project, was my first actually decent park on NE. I remember being so pleased with the feedback in the AD, although I've lost some of the most recent versions. There was never actually a lot there though. - Full-Size
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Louis! Offline
urgh rapipo was always shit
FredD Offline
We really need a modern RCT version of Parc Asterix... Love the comics and cartoons.
Jappy Offline
Very recognisable!
Wait.... There were cartoons?
FredD Offline
More like animation movies, not a cartoon series.But love those anyways.
Liampie Offline
Louis! Offline
I think this might have been after rapipo. This might have been the early beginnings of Cocoa, but I can't remember.
I love talking history of users and their names lol
Cocoa Offline
Louis! Offline
So when rapipo stopped being so crazy and calmed down, but before cocoa took on his colourful attributes?
Cocoa Offline
actually there's quite a few sections of really colorful stuff in the park:
this park will always be important to me because it does sort of chart my progress from confused copycat to more mature, refined style. Its the first time I remember feeling like I was making some actually good, intentional rct.
I actually had a little more done than this, but I seem to have lost some of the files and this is the most complete one I had.
Parc' Asterix.SV6 (572.79KB)
downloads: 241
rapipo never calmed down, he just realized that there are perhaps more refined ways to express atmospheres and themes. also, I stopped being 12 years old
posix Offline
Today it seems pretty much impossible to believe Cocoa was once Rapipo.