Screenshot / America entrance
- 03-October 13
- America
- 1 of 4
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- Comments 8
because receiving nice new comments on my other screens proved very inspirational, I figured I'd let you guys in on a park I'd been doing in secret... but where's the fun in that?
The park is called 'america' in my saved games folder, and its more of a smaller, family-owned-but-still-well-themed sort of deal - Full-Size
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Liampie Offline
That gate! Holy shit that's awesome!
Six Frags Offline
Again not sure about the pink stacked rocks and messy path textures thrown together, but I love the coaster interaction and the colour scheme.
Corkscrewy Offline
tdub96 Fan Offline
Not a huge fan of the pink rocks and what not, but this is absolutely terrific. I love the woodie and the interaction with everything. Really good stuff.
Austin55 Offline
I actually really like the pink rocks. I think they need maybe some more refining (a few more colors, plants, etc) but everything about this screen is to cool.
RCT2day Offline
Love the interaction. Like others have said, the pink rocks aren't my favorite. And that fountain is a good idea but could be executed better.
Fizzix Offline
Love it Dr. Chocolate.
Steve Offline
The interaction with the wooden coaster and Intamin is gorgeous. I like the entrance gate, and I can see what you're going for, but the pink does come across a little "off."