Wow, I really like this.
That's some classy LL work. Very nice!
Very impressive! Love it.
Very nice, very clean. Almost too clean.
Really pretty.
gorgeous <3
yeah, classic style LL. great work. now you have the basics of aeshetic LL-ism down, make it a tad more interesting. Explore new themes, find your own tricks, etc.
Quite wonderful. Mind the overuse of water. Trees are usually a better choice I think.
Here's a screen of the entrance area of my new full sized solo in progress.
Wow, I really like this.
That's some classy LL work. Very nice!
Very impressive! Love it.
Very nice, very clean. Almost too clean.
Really pretty.
gorgeous <3
yeah, classic style LL. great work. now you have the basics of aeshetic LL-ism down, make it a tad more interesting. Explore new themes, find your own tricks, etc.
Quite wonderful. Mind the overuse of water. Trees are usually a better choice I think.