Your architecture and foliage is top notch. I'm just mostly annoyed that your park layout/paths are way too straight and don't compare to how organic your rides can be. And on the note of the rides, they are generally overly turny when they don't have a reason to be (wrapping around another section of a ride/following terrain/etc). Your micro-level work is awesome, just get everything to work together/look organic at the macro level.
agree on the path layouts, it seems like its been poorly thought out. straight lines with sort of circle hubs and nothing along a huge stretch of path. theme parks tend to have more... stuff I guess.
you need to really work on making a functioning area instead of treating architecture/path/layout/foliage as all separate parts. right now, it's just a straight bit of path with some buildings tacked in without regard to flow or spatial sense.
Your architecture and foliage is top notch. I'm just mostly annoyed that your park layout/paths are way too straight and don't compare to how organic your rides can be. And on the note of the rides, they are generally overly turny when they don't have a reason to be (wrapping around another section of a ride/following terrain/etc). Your micro-level work is awesome, just get everything to work together/look organic at the macro level.
agree on the path layouts, it seems like its been poorly thought out. straight lines with sort of circle hubs and nothing along a huge stretch of path. theme parks tend to have more... stuff I guess.
the rest is looking better though
you need to really work on making a functioning area instead of treating architecture/path/layout/foliage as all separate parts. right now, it's just a straight bit of path with some buildings tacked in without regard to flow or spatial sense.