Likewise to the above, work on making the buildings more "dramatic," and their walls less of a vertical drop. Awnings, eves, even ivy "cover-ups" can help you alot here.Plus, they wont requre a total re-design
From the small amount of layout I can see it looks great, but I do agree with the lack of detail. I think if you opened up the what looks like the queue line next to the lift it would look a lot better as well. Experimentation is an asset with custom scenery.
cool but you need more detail and less sameness (in the roofs etc)
I agree, switch it up a little. Don't be afraid to experiment with colors and style. (I'm doing my fair share of that...haha!)
Likewise to the above, work on making the buildings more "dramatic," and their walls less of a vertical drop. Awnings, eves, even ivy "cover-ups" can help you alot here.Plus, they wont requre a total re-design
From the small amount of layout I can see it looks great, but I do agree with the lack of detail. I think if you opened up the what looks like the queue line next to the lift it would look a lot better as well. Experimentation is an asset with custom scenery.