Very nice idea to use the land tool in such an abstract way. The statue on top of the wooden edged blocks clearly gives the feel of being all alone trapped by land borders. Brilliant way of expressing feelings in a game. It's only missing some pink rocks.
I have to say this looks amazing. I love the way you said fuck the police and didn't use any scenery (not including trees) rides or paths. Keep up the good work.
0% just for the giraffe statue. Had it been an elephant fountain then it would be a 100% vote from me.
editt: sory doble poost
I have to say this looks amazing. I love the way you said fuck the police and didn't use any scenery (not including trees) rides or paths. Keep up the good work.
PRMEshockzzNE Offline
Damn that's some good NCSO, I wish I could do that.