If only there was a lighter colored path object to chose from, one that better reflected concrete. That's the only thing this is missing to make it perfect.
Out of curiosity, is it impossible to make a CP recreation because you'd bump your head off of the item limit or also because you simply can't have a map big enough? I think it'd be interesting to see a map with all the coasters and layout even if you have to go Buddhist with the scenery.
Comment here: http://www.nedesigns...-robber-barons/
my favourite park so far, there were just so many great things in this. I'm really looking forward to what geewhzz does next!
sorry man
It's just that we've only seen one geewhzz park and already two of yours!
You Should Make The Full Cedar Point Park Recreation With All The Rides, etc. Very Good Job On Raptor!
2 years? That's a pretty big bump.
Unfortunately it's impossible to do a Cedar Point recreation in this game without using multiple maps.
One of the highlights of the season. I can't believe it's already been 2 years! Almost time for another H2H I think
Let alone at this level of detail.
Damn... That Would Cool Though. I would really like to see a Corkscrew (w/h Super Himalaya) Recreation!
This looks so dated, when did you make it? 2015?
Start again.
H2H produced some of the best parks on NE, imo. I didn't mind this bump at all!
It's confirmed: Angroc approves of this bump
This was unbelievable... the realism, the shadows, the details... Best park of h2h7 for me!
Go Robber Barons!
*notices the shadows* Oh shit you're right! That's some nice stuff!
Holy shit it actually has shadows
Mind = blown