When you showed the ride a screen ago I swore it was gonna be total shit and all, but damn dude this look brilliant. Your style could be a little less angular and cleaner, but it impresses nonetheless.
I assume the stands are for optimal viewing of the coaster itself a la Top Thrill Dragster, but in that case, the stands also serve as part of the drag racing themeing to the ride being like the stands you would sit in to watch dragsters at a drag strip.
The stands Cocoa is referring to is the wooden(?) coaster track opposite the station.
Looks very nice. You've still got some sharp-angle problems that Shotguns mentioned. In that everything has an edge, which isn't quite as pleasant to the eye as curves/smooth edges.
The sign for the coaster is also a little oddly placed. I'd replace the tree + flowers by the queue entrance with the sign. It would also mean that the sign wouldn't have to be up against the path edge which I think looks strange at the moment.
Nice work. Looks sweet. I love how you have the angled roof. I've seen this in a few parks and it suits this coaster like a charm! I'm looking forward to having a look at this park once you release it. How much time left do you figure?
As for the "stands", I think it's just part of the architecture, but I'm not the creator. I wouldn't expect people sitting in them. One little thing I wish you had done is posted a picture when it was sunny, not rainy, like you did with your 2nd picture of the ride.
I could tell you it was sex, but that'd just be my usual unoriginal comment. So, I'll say it's better than bacon.
bacon is better than sex. @bigshootergill got a log flume, a stage area and a bit of misc. life depending could have it done in a coupla weeks. oh yeah here's a pic in the sun;
That is sick.
PRMEshockzzNE Fan Offline
opposite angle
Damn that's awesome. I love this project so much. Great colour choices with the magenta and gold/brown, I dunno if I'm feeling the red though.
This is absolutely incredible! I cannot wait to see this park when it's finished
When you showed the ride a screen ago I swore it was gonna be total shit and all, but damn dude this look brilliant. Your style could be a little less angular and cleaner, but it impresses nonetheless.
I assume the stands are for optimal viewing of the coaster itself a la Top Thrill Dragster, but in that case, the stands also serve as part of the drag racing themeing to the ride being like the stands you would sit in to watch dragsters at a drag strip.
The stands Cocoa is referring to is the wooden(?) coaster track opposite the station.
Looks very nice. You've still got some sharp-angle problems that Shotguns mentioned. In that everything has an edge, which isn't quite as pleasant to the eye as curves/smooth edges.
The sign for the coaster is also a little oddly placed. I'd replace the tree + flowers by the queue entrance with the sign. It would also mean that the sign wouldn't have to be up against the path edge which I think looks strange at the moment.
Nice work. Looks sweet. I love how you have the angled roof. I've seen this in a few parks and it suits this coaster like a charm! I'm looking forward to having a look at this park once you release it. How much time left do you figure?
As for the "stands", I think it's just part of the architecture, but I'm not the creator. I wouldn't expect people sitting in them. One little thing I wish you had done is posted a picture when it was sunny, not rainy, like you did with your 2nd picture of the ride.
PBJ Fan Offline
S - Super nice! station is great! that ride trhou is like WHOOW!
I - interesting hack!
C - Colors are great!
K - Keep up this work! love it!
One of the most original stations I've seen in years! Such a rarity to see a well themed (if themed at all) ball coaster.
This park really rustles my jimmies, and your progress as a maker gets better literally day to day. All in all, kudos! Excellent job!