Another great screen! I really like your perception of scale and penchants for eye-pleasing smaller structures
My only, tiny criticism, is that I'm not sure about those flowers behind the glass. It just seems strange to me to have flowers growing in a bed behind a window.
@Liampie; No, Tovervliet is my worst project ever. This is a small/med. map, just building once in a while. Tovervliet was no fun, but I love doing this park!
Another great screen! I really like your perception of scale and penchants for eye-pleasing smaller structures
My only, tiny criticism, is that I'm not sure about those flowers behind the glass. It just seems strange to me to have flowers growing in a bed behind a window.
I love it.
Amazing. I hope you add peeps.
It breathes atmosphere. Definitly going to follow this. Great work!
Solid screen, dude.
@Liampie; No, Tovervliet is my worst project ever. This is a small/med. map, just building once in a while. Tovervliet was no fun, but I love doing this park!