The tires aren't working, see if you can do something else there. Most motocross tracks use blocks of foam to border the track covered with multicolored wrapping, which would probably look better here.
I've recently done something similar with a go-kart track, but I found in order for the ride to actually look good you need to define the track more. Of course not all motocross has defined track, but I think it would look better. So adding in fences, changing the dirt/grass to full grass, adding in more tires etc. Just look at some pics, play around with some objects to find something that will work. Great concept though, but I think you'll be pleased with the results if you put some more time into it.
Looks like a lot of fun! Just a couple of points that have already been mentioned:
- The track isn't well defined enough. As a viewer I can't pick it out, never mind if I were driving a dirt bike around it Tires are a good way of marking out the route, I agree, but you may need more.
- I don't think dirt bikes and fire are a good mix!
- I am absolutely fine with the jump sections; Of course a dirt bike would jump off a ramp, but I'd recommend putting a surface at the base of the jump, like a small bridge.
Otherwise I am really excited by this park! I love the unique theming sections you're creating, and the more unusual rides you're incorporating. If you're not going for absolute realism, why not have some fun?
(PS. I could see a park somewhere allowing guests to drive dirt bikes. I don't even have a driver's license and was allowed to pilot a fan boat in the Everglades.)
That parallelogram planter is trippy as hell
I've recently done something similar with a go-kart track, but I found in order for the ride to actually look good you need to define the track more. Of course not all motocross has defined track, but I think it would look better. So adding in fences, changing the dirt/grass to full grass, adding in more tires etc. Just look at some pics, play around with some objects to find something that will work. Great concept though, but I think you'll be pleased with the results if you put some more time into it.
PBJ Offline
love the idea!
but to let guests JUMP on a bike?!
I like the majority of this quite a bit but any time a Skyride makes a 90 degree turn in mid-air I die a little inside.
Looks like a lot of fun! Just a couple of points that have already been mentioned:
Tires are a good way of marking out the route, I agree, but you may need more.

- The track isn't well defined enough. As a viewer I can't pick it out, never mind if I were driving a dirt bike around it
- I don't think dirt bikes and fire are a good mix!
- I am absolutely fine with the jump sections; Of course a dirt bike would jump off a ramp, but I'd recommend putting a surface at the base of the jump, like a small bridge.
Otherwise I am really excited by this park! I love the unique theming sections you're creating, and the more unusual rides you're incorporating. If you're not going for absolute realism, why not have some fun?
(PS. I could see a park somewhere allowing guests to drive dirt bikes. I don't even have a driver's license and was allowed to pilot a fan boat in the Everglades.)
Nothing wrong with stunt jumps in theme parks. I like this a lot !
PRMEshockzzNE Offline
Looks nice. Im just not sure about the roof colors. Having these brown roofs and the dirt everywhere could maybe be a little bit to brown.