I think that your main entrance [with the clock] into the building should be grander than what it is at the moment. I would raise it so that the clock is basically level with the glass on the upper floor. Making the arches/supports for that roof much higher. I just think that would look a lot better then the more subtle facade that you have now. The slightly random, bright-coloured facades are a little odd as well, but it's a touch of colour I guess.
I do love the idea behind the small custom flats using submarine, and row boats. The RC boats are also pretty cool.
The foliage is a little messy, try not to use so many long grass pieces, it makes it look unattended to and overgrown , which isn't what you want here. Some of the roofs and colors are a little odd as well, but you have a nice atmosphere overall, just try and improve your architecture.
Very nice. My only complaint is how harsh the fences become. It's just big trees and overgrown foliage and then BOOM. Straight tarmac on the other side of the fence. Maybe make the monorail track below the steel fence cut into the paths a bit and put some flowered gardens to help blend it a bit.
opposite angle. forgot to put on the little remote by the RC boats
I think that your main entrance [with the clock] into the building should be grander than what it is at the moment. I would raise it so that the clock is basically level with the glass on the upper floor. Making the arches/supports for that roof much higher. I just think that would look a lot better then the more subtle facade that you have now. The slightly random, bright-coloured facades are a little odd as well, but it's a touch of colour I guess.
I do love the idea behind the small custom flats using submarine, and row boats. The RC boats are also pretty cool.
^that's exactly what he wants here.
PRMEshockzzNE Offline
why is the roof with the clock on it so low? its pretty fun stuff overall but some consistency with scale is nice.
cool boy
Very nice. My only complaint is how harsh the fences become. It's just big trees and overgrown foliage and then BOOM. Straight tarmac on the other side of the fence. Maybe make the monorail track below the steel fence cut into the paths a bit and put some flowered gardens to help blend it a bit.