Oh yeah, crap. I knew I should've changed that to being round. I'm still thinking of ways to improve the building, I will admit it is too much roof and not enough of anything else.
I don't like this screen as much as the other, which is a shame, the other had great promise. I guess I just didn't realise what sort of a project this was until this screen.
Entrance to a junior coaster. I apologize for crappy colors if anyone complains!! I only have Paint on my computer. Again, I appreciate any input and critique.. this isn't a finished product.
Why is the grain silo square?
Oh yeah, crap. I knew I should've changed that to being round. I'm still thinking of ways to improve the building, I will admit it is too much roof and not enough of anything else.
Weathervane? Loft? Hoist? Satellite Dish?
Is this for a particular project you're working on?
I don't like this screen as much as the other, which is a shame, the other had great promise. I guess I just didn't realise what sort of a project this was until this screen.
@majordomo: Just a small project, I have very little free time with juggling 2 jobs so I'm just making something small.
@Louis: what kind of project are you thinking this might be? Just curious.