@Recurious: I know, but this will not be permanent, just for my timeline story. If i remove the entry and exit huts, I get the stupid "no building" boxes if I remove them, so this will do for now.
I think you can add more stuff, especially near the stage and such. Fences, speakers, things like that. Being that its a pretty simple idea, adding as much detail as you can will work wonders.
@inthemanual: Don't know what building boxes are in Dutch, except thinking of LEGO blocks. I searched Google but I could not find anything. Can you explain what you mean?
Looks nice. I think it would look better though if you removed the entry/exit huts for the carousel and the ferris wheel.
@Coasterbill: Thanks!
@Recurious: I know, but this will not be permanent, just for my timeline story. If i remove the entry and exit huts, I get the stupid "no building" boxes if I remove them, so this will do for now.
No building boxes?
@G Force: I will look into it.
@inthemanual: Don't know what building boxes are in Dutch, except thinking of LEGO blocks. I searched Google but I could not find anything. Can you explain what you mean?
You're the one who said it first. I was asking what you meant.
You have some freetime off from h2h7! why you don't use this idea in H2H7?
Oh, I meant space in wich you can't build without zero clearonce. Collision boxes?
Because I do other stuff in h2h7
God I hate martin Garrix haha Cool little set up though, just missing some DJ whores in the dj box lol